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Notocidaris (aboral primary spines)
Beschrijving Aboral primary spines of Notocidaris species: Left to right: a. Notocidaris gaussensis: The very long spine is cylindrical and straight cut at the distal end with a bowl-like depression b. Notocidaris hastata: The spine is sword-shaped with two lateral wings along the whole length of the shaft. c. Notocidaris mortenseni: The lateral, more or less serrated wings are widened at the base tapering towards the distal end. d. Notocidaris platyacantha: The whole shaft is flattened and slightly widened, concave distally, with conspicuous coarse thorns at the base. e. Notocidaris remigera: The shaft is greatly widened and conspicuously convave towards the distal end. f. Notocidaris sp. [drawn after David 2005 (as N. hastata)]: The shaft is set with two lateral parallel-sided wings.a. Scale 8 mm, b. Scale 6 mm, c. Scale 5 mm, d. Scale 10 mm, e. Scale 10 mm, f. Scale 5 mm. JPG bestand - 207.94 kB - 2 362 x 1 758 pixels toegevoegd op 2011-02-23939 viewsUit bron Schultz, H. (2011). Sea urchins III: Worldwide regular de... © 2011 Schultz, Heinke
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