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First Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation | |
[ meld een fout in dit record ] |
Periode: 2014-11-17 - 2014-11-21 Locatie: Olhão, Portugal |
Instituten (13) | Top | URL |
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Through six leading themes, this international and open conference will bring together scientists from different levels and disciplines to discuss and address issues about the impact of humans activities on the natural marine environment. The conference will be dynamic, innovative and participative, mixing oral presentations, round table discussions, science café and posters/ digital objects sessions. The small-scale, relax and multigenerational nature of this event will ease knowledge exchanges, networking and building of new collaborations. The conference will be hosted in Olhão, eastern Algarve, Portugal. Olhão is located at the edge of the natural park Ria Formosa. The town originated from fishing activity and has still an important artisanal fishery activity, together with tourism. |
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