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Evenement-type: Conferentie/Workshop Datum: 2015-05-07
Locatie: KVAB, Brussel, Belgiƫ
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Instituten (2) |
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- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), partner
- Joint programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans), organiser
Beschrijving:The event is open to the marine and maritime science community, policy makers, NGOs and industry representatives and network organisations.
The conference will present:
- The JPI Oceans Vision and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda - Priorities for marine and maritime research in Europe and perspectives for future joint activities.
- The JPI Oceans joint actions including the actions on ecological aspects of deep sea mining and micro-plastics, the multi-use of infrastructure for monitoring and intercalibration for the EU Water Framework Directive.
- The outcomes of CSA Oceans, the EU FP7 Support Action aimed to facilitate the implementation of JPI Oceans in its startup phase.
IMIS is ontwikkeld en wordt gehost door het VLIZ.