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ECSA Symposium 42 - Estuarine Ecosystems : Structure, Function and Management | |
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Periode: 2007-09-16 - 2007-09-22 Locatie: Resort town Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Region, Rusland Contact: |
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The links between science and policy in estuarine and coastal environments will be emphasized at the symposium which is aimed at encouraging the scientific community to increase cooperation, participate in societal dialogue, efficiently communicate science to decision-makers and to the public, as well as identify better governance and management practices in estuarine ecosystems. It is of particular note that the long history of collaboration, the high quality and amount of scientific information and the presence of economically stable societies has resulted in the Baltic Sea region having a high potential as a pilot area for carrying out research, delivering efficient protection and restoring marine and estuarine environments in a holistic manner, while simultaneously safeguarding the continuation of economic activities (Statement of the conference ‘Baltic Sea and European Marine Strategy – Linking Science and Policy', November 13-15, 2006, Helsinki, Finland). The symposium will be held under the patronage of Government of Kaliningrad Region. |
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