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ICES Symposium - Environmental Indicators : Utility in Meeting Regularity Needs | |
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Periode: 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-23 Locatie: Brunei Gallery, Russel Square, London, Groot-Brittannië Contact: |
Instituten (10) | Top | URL |
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This Symposium will anticipate the translation of a number of current initiatives on indicator development into pilot or operational use within a regulatory framework, for example, under OSPAR and EU ('Water Framework' Directive) auspices. It is therefore designed to offer a timely and strategic insight into the current status and likely future direction of the activity. While the symposium will seek to address promising new developments, emphasis will also be placed on practical applications to date. Every effort will be made to permit a realistic evaluation of progress, for example, by encouraging presentations on case studies which don't appear to work, as well as those which do. The aim will be to check performance and comparability both within and across disciplines and on various geographical scales, in order to allow recommendations to be made on the employment of indicators as tools to underpin effective environmental management. |
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