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Water Pollution 2008 : Ninth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution | |
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Periode: 2008-06-09 - 2008-06-11 Locatie: Alicante, Spanje Contact: |
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Water Pollution is a subject of growing public concern. The environmental problems caused by the increase of pollutant loads discharged into natural water bodies requires setting out frameworks of regulation and control. The scientific community has responded to the need for studies capable of relating the pollutant discharge with changes in the water quality. The results of these studies are permitting industries to employ more efficient methods of controlling and treating waste loads, and water authorities to enforce stricter regulations regarding this matter. Environmental problems are essentially interdisciplinary. Engineers and scientists working in this field must be familiar with a wide range of issues including the physical processes of mixing and dilution, chemical and biological processes, mathematical modelling, data acquisition and measurement, to name but a few. In view of the scarcity of available data, it is important that experiences are shared on an international basis. Thus, a continuous exchange of information between scientists from different countries is essential. |
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