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29th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Modelling of turbulence revisited | |
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Periode: 1997-05-05 - 1997-05-09 Locatie: Liège, België Periodiciteit: Jaarlijks |
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In the last decade, with in particular the development of sophisticated new techniques of measurements, substantial progresses have been made in understanding marine turbulence while, in the same time, uncovering more of its complexity. The development of 3D turbulent closure mathematical models, extended from hydrodynamics to include the dynamics of ecosystems, has emphasized the role of turbulence as one of the cogent driving mechanisms of most of the physical processes deeply affecting the distribution and evolution of biological populations. A good parameterization of the effects of turbulence in such models can only be achieved via a continuously improved knowledge of the nature and characteristics of turbulence in the various conditions of the intricated marine environment. Turbulence in the lower mesoscale range (motion with relative vorticity approaching the Coriolis frequency) has an important effect on the distribution of biological population, the formation or dispersion of patches and such biological factors as the availability of food, the encounter rates between preys and predators... Small-scale turbulence directly influences behavioural functions of marine organisms (techniques of feeding, perception of signals, reproduction...) and its presence or its absence is often a selecting factor between species. It is hoped that revisiting marine turbulence at the 29th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics will provide an opportunity to |
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