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30th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics : Hydrodynamical and ecosystem processes in ice covered seas of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres | |
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Periode: 1998-05-04 - 1998-05-08 Locatie: Liège, België Contact: Periodiciteit: Jaarlijks |
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The 30th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics will provide the opportunity for reviewing recent developments on processes that connect hydrodynamics and ecosystems in ice covered seas. These include: the physical processes and fluxes that control and structure the ice and under-ice environments; the responses of ice and water column ecosystems to physical forcing; the effects of ice congelation and crystal structure on the associated biota; the thermodynamics of exchanges between ice and water and their effects on pelagic ecosystems; the interactions between ocean and atmosphere, including ultra-violet radiation and production of DMS; the role of sedimentation on the structure and functionning of benthic communities; the pathways of biogenic carbon fluxes and their hydrodynamical regulation. Papers concerning the benthos and apex predators (marine mammals and birds) are welcome, as far as they address the theme of the Colloquium. The areas of interest to the Colloquium include, in both Hemispheres: the permanently and seasonally ice covered waters, the marginal ice zones and the polynyas and leads. In any area, papers might consider one or several of the following environments: the sea ice; the interfaces (horizontal and vertical) between ice and water, including ice edges (progressing, stable, or retreating); the water column, either under the ice, in open areas surrounded by sea ice (e.g. polynyas, leads), at ice edges, at the time of ice melt or break-up, or seasonally free of ice. All approaches are welcome, including: field sampling, series resulting from long-term moorings and drifting platforms, remote sensing, laboratory experiments, and modelling. Sessions devoted to syntheses from multidisciplinary programmes could be organised. |
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