( 11 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
Woodall, L.C.; Andradi-Brown, D.A.; Brierley, A.S.; Clarke, M.R.; Connelly, D.P.; Hall, R.A.; Howell, K.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Linse, K.; Ross, R.E.; Snelgrove, P.; Stefanoudis, P.V.; Sutton, T.T.; Taylor, M.; Thornton, Thomas; Rogers, A.D. (2018). A multidisciplinary approach for generating globally consistent data on mesophotic,deep-pelagic, and bathyal biological communities. Oceanography 31(3): 77-89. https://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.301, meer
Robert, K.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Jones, D.O.B.; Marsh, L.; Carter, G.D.O.; Chaumillon, L. (2017). New approaches to high-resolution mapping of marine vertical structures. NPG Scientific Reports 7(1): 14 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-09382-z, meer
Hogg, O.T.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Griffiths, H.I.; Dorschel, B.; Linse, K. (2016). Landscape mapping at sub-Antarctic South Georgia provides a protocol for underpinning large-scale marine protected areas. NPG Scientific Reports 6(33163 ): 15 pp. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep33163, meer
Marsh, L.; Copley, J.T.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Tyler, P.; the Isis ROV Facility (2013). Getting the bigger picture: Using precision Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) videography to acquire high-definition mosaic images of newly discovered hydrothermal vents in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 92: 124-135. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.02.007, meer
Masson, D.G.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; de Stigter, H.C.; Arzola, R.G.; Lebas, T.P. (2011). Sedimentary processes in the middle Nazaré Canyon. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(23-24): 2369-2387. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.04.003, meer
Pirlet, H.; Colin, C.; Thierens, M.; Latruwe, K.; Van Rooij, D.; Foubert, A.; Frank, N.; Blamart, D.; Huvenne, V. A. I.; Swennen, R.; Vanhaecke, F.; Henriet, J.-P. (2011). The importance of the terrigenous fraction within a cold-water coral mound: A case study. Mar. Geol. 282(1-2): 13-25. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2010.05.008, meer
Zhang, J.; Gilbert, D.; Gooday, A.; Levin, L.; Naqvi, S.W.A.; Middelburg, J.J; Scranton, M.; Ekau, W.; Peña, A.; Dewitte, B.; Oguz, T.; Monteiro, P.M.S.; Urban, E.; Rabalais, N.N.; Ittekkot, V.; Kemp, W.M.; Ulloa, O.; Elmgren, R.; Escobar-Briones, E.; van der Plas, A.K. (2010). Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development. Biogeosciences 7(5): 1443-1467. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-7-1443-2010, meer
Perez-Garcia, C.; Berndt, C.; Masson, D.; Planke, S.; Kläschen, D.; Depreiter, D.; Mienert, J. (2008). Mud extrusion dynamics constrained from 3D seismics in the Mercator Mud Volcano. El Arraiche mud volcano field, Gulf of Cadiz. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10(EGU2008-A-11252), meer
Huvenne, V.A.I.; Dorschel, B.; Foubert, A.; Van Rooij, D.; IODP Expedition 307 scientific party (2006). First insights in the sedimentary environment at the base of a large cold-water coral bank (Challenger Mound, NE Atlantic), based on IODP Exp. 307 (May 2005). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8: 07455, meer
Terrinha, P.; Pinheiro, L.M.; Henriet, J.-P.; Matias, L.; Ivanov, M.K.; Monteiro, J.H.; Akhmetzhanov, A.; Volkonskaya, A.; Cunha, T.; Shaskin, P.; Rovere, M. (2003). Tsunamigenic-seismogenic structures, neotectonics, sedimentary processes and slope instability on the southwest Portuguese Margin. Mar. Geol. 195(1-4): 55-73. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00682-5, meer
Lastras, G.; Canals, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E.; Moreno, A.; De Batist, M.; Masson, D.G.; Cochonat, P. (2002). Seafloor imagery from the BIG’95 debris flow, western Mediterranean. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 30(10): 871-874. dx.doi.org/10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<0871:SIFTBD>2.0.CO;2, meer
- Huvenne, V.A.I. (2018). Towards a better understanding of our marine environment: of habitats, maps and engineering, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 81: pp. 2, meer
- Williams, T.; Kano, A.; Ferdelman, T.; Henriet, J.P.; Abe, K.; Andres, M.S.; Bjerager, M.; Browning, E.L.; Cragg, B.A.; De Mol, B.; Dorschel, B.; Foubert, A.; Frank, T.D.; Fuwa, Y.; Gaillot, P.; Gharib, J.J.; Gregg, J.M.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Léonide, P.; Li, X.; Mangelsdorf, K.; Tanaka, A.; Monteys, X.; Novosel, I.; Sakai, S.; Samarkin, V.A.; Sasaki, K.; Spivack, A.J.; Takashima, C.; Titschack, J. (2006). Cold-water coral mounds revealed. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 87(47): 525-526. dx.doi.org/10.1029/2006EO470001, meer
- Ferdelman, T.; Kano, A.; Williams, T.; Gaillot, P.; Abe, K.; Andres, M.S.; Bjerager, M.; Browning, E. L.; Cragg, B.A.; De Mol, B.; Foubert, A.; Frank, T.D.; Fuwa, Y.; Gharib, J.J.; Gregg, J. M.; Huvenne, V. A. I.; Léonide, P.; Li, X.; Mangelsdorf, K.; Tanaka, A.; Novosel, I.; Sakai, S.; Samarkin, V. A.; Sasaki, K.; Spivack, A. J.; Takashima, C.; Titschack, J. (2005). Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine drilling. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Preliminary Report, 307. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Washington D.C. 57 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.2204/iodp.pr.307.2005, meer
- Wheeler, A.J.; Kozachenko, M.; Beyer, A.; Foubert, A.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Klages, M.; Masson, D. G. ; Olu-Le Roy, K.; Thiede, J. (2005). Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic, in: Freiwald, A. et al. (Ed.) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Erlangen Earth Conference Series, : pp. 571-603, meer
- Foubert, A.; Huvenne, V. A. I. ; de Haas, H.; Henriet, J.-P.; Kozachenko, M.; Opderbecke, J.; Thiede, J.; Wheeler, A. (2004). An integrated view of the Belgica mounds through video surveying, TOBI sidescan sonar imagery and microbathymetric mapping, in: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, August 20-28, 2004. Abstract Volume. pp. 1477 (Abstract 336-4), meer
- Dullo, W.-Chr.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Henriet, J.-P.; Bett, B.; Billett, D.; Gooday, A.; Wolff, G.; Patching, J. W.; White, M.; Grehan, A.; Wheeler, A.; Collony, N.; Mienert, J.; Blamart, D.; Labeyrie, L.; Paterne, M.; Ayliffe, L. K.; Hebbeln, D.; Wefer, G. (2000). Carbonate mounds along the European continental margin: Implications for environmental control on their formation, in: EurOcean 2000, the European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology, Hamburg, 29 August - 2 September 2000. Project synopses: I. Marine processes, ecosystems and interactions. pp. 281-285, meer
- Jensen, A.C. (Ed.) (1977). European artificial reef research: Proceedings of the 1st EARRN conference, Ancona, Italy, March 1996. Southampton Oceanography Centre: Southampton. ISBN 0-904175-28-6. 499 pp., meer
- Annual report of the Southampton Oceanography Centre. Southampton Oceanography Centre: Southampton. , meer