Publicaties (80) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Projecten |
A1 publicaties (23) [show] |
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Dan, S.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T.; Chen, M. (2024). Evolution of submerged large transversal bedforms in a shallow nearshore area along a macrotidal sandy coast. J. Soils Sediments online: [1-16]., meer
Montreuil, A.-L.; Moelans, R.; Houthuys, R.; Bogaert, P.; Chen, M. (2022). Assessing storm response of multiple intertidal bars using an open-source automatic processing toolbox. Remote Sens. 14(4): 1005.
Brand, E.; Montreuil, A.-L.; Houthuys, R.; Chen, M. (2020). Relating hydrodynamic forcing and topographic response for tide-dominated sandy beaches. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(3): 151.
Goolaerts, S.; De Ceuster, J.; Mollen, F.H.; Gijsen, B.; Bosselaers, M.; Lambert, O.; Uchman, A.; Van Herck, M.; Adriaens, R.; Houthuys, R.; Louwye, S.; Bruneel, Y.; Elsen, J.; Hoedemakers, K. (2020). The upper Miocene Deurne Member of the Diest Formation revisited: unexpected results from the study of a large temporary outcrop near Antwerp International Airport, Belgium. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 219-252.
Houthuys, R.; Adriaens, R.; Goolaerts, S.; Laga, P.; Louwye, S.; Matthijs, J.; Vandenberghe, N.; Verhaegen, J. (2020). The Diest Formation: a review of insights from the last decades. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 199-218.
Houthuys, R.; Matthijs, J. (2020). Reinterpretation of the Neogene sediments of the Bree Uplift, NE Belgium. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 345-363.
Montreuil, A.-L.; Moelans, R.; Houthuys, R.; Bogaert, P.; Chen, M. (2020). Characterization of intertidal bar morphodynamics using a bi-annual LiDAR dataset. Remote Sens. 12(22): 3841.
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Chen, M.; Brand, E.; Verwaest, T.; Houthuys, R. (2020). Post-storm recovery assessment of urbanized versus natural sandy macro-tidal beaches and their geomorphic variability. Geomorphology (Amst.) 356: 107096., meer
Vandenberghe, N.; Wouters, L.; Scheltz, M.; Beerten, K.; Berwouts, I.; Vos, K.; Houthuys, R.; Deckers, J.; Louwye, S.; Laga, P.; Verhaegen, J.; Adriaens, R.; Dusar, M. (2020). The Kasterlee Formation and its relation with the Diest and Mol Formations in the Belgian Campine. Geol. Belg. 23(3-4): 265-287.
- Verwaest, T.; Houthuys, R.; Roest, B.; Dan, S.; Montreuil, A.-L. (2020). A coastline perturbation caused by natural feeding from a shoreface-connected ridge (Headland Sint-André, Belgium). J. Coast. Res. 95(SI): 701-705., meer
Montreuil, A.-L.; Chen, M.; Esquerré, A.; Houthuys, R.; Moelans, R.; Bogaert, P. (2019). Pre- and post-storm LiDAR surveys for assessment of impact on coastal erosion. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42-3(W8): 261-266.
Strypsteen, G.; Houthuys, R.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). Dune volume changes at decadal timescales and its relation with potential aeolian transport. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 7(10): 357.
Houthuys, R. (2014). A reinterpretation of the Neogene emersion of central Belgium based on the sedimentary environment of the Diest Formation and the origin of the drainage pattern. Geol. Belg. 17(3-4): 211-235
Vandenberghe, N; Harris, W.B.; Wampler, J.M.; Houthuys, R.; Louwye, S.; Adriaens, R.; Vos, K.; Lanckacker, T.; Matthijs, J.; Deckers, J.; Verhaegen, J.; Laga, P.; Westerhoff, W.; Munsterman, D. (2014). The implications of K-Ar glauconite dating of the Diest Formation on the paleogeography of the Upper Miocene in Belgium. Geol. Belg. 17(2): 161-174
- Bertels, L.; Houthuys, R.; Deronde, B.; Janssens, R.; Verfaillie, E.; Van Lancker, V. (2012). Integration of optical and acoustic remote sensing data over the backshore–foreshore–nearshore continuum: a case study in Ostend (Belgium). J. Coast. Res. 28(6): 1426-1436.
- Haerens, P.; Bolle, A.; Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R. (2012). Definition of storm thresholds for significant morphological change of the sandy beaches along the Belgian coastline. Geomorphology (Amst.) 143-144: 104-117.
- Bertels, L.; Houthuys, R.; Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Deronde, B. (2011). Large-scale mapping of the riverbanks, mud flats and salt marshes of the Scheldt basin, using airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR. Int. J. Remote Sens. 32(10): 2905-2918.
Houthuys, R. (2011). A sedimentary model of the Brussels Sands, Eocene, Belgium. Geol. Belg. 14(1-2): 55-74
- Kempeneers, P.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Houthuys, R. (2009). Synergy of airborne digital camera and Lidar data to map coastal dune vegetation. J. Coast. Res. SI 53: 73-82.
- Deronde, B.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Henriet, J.-P.; Van Lancker, V. (2008). Sediment facies classification of a sandy shoreline by means of airborne imaging spectroscopy. Int. J. Remote Sens. 29(15): 4463-4477.
- Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Henriet, J.-P.; Van Lancker, V. (2008). Monitoring of the sediment dynamics along a sandy shoreline by means of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing and LIDAR: a case study in Belgium. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 33(2): 280-294.
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Bollen, M.; Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R. (2007). Retrieval of suspended sediment from advanced hyperspectral sensor data in the Scheldt estuary at different stages in the tidal cycle. Mar. Geod. 30(1-2): 97-108.
- Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Debruyn, W.; Fransaer, D.; Van Lancker, V.; Henriet, J.-P. (2006). Use of airborne hyperspectral data and laserscan data to study beach morphodynamics along the Belgian coast. J. Coast. Res. 22(5): 1108-1117.
Peer reviewed publicaties (2) [show] |
Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Sterckx, S.; Fransaer, D. (2004). Sand dynamics along the Belgian coast based on airborne hyperspectral data and lidar data. EARSeL eProc. 3(1): 26-33
- Houthuys, R. (1990). Vergelijkende studie van de afzettingsstruktuur van getijzanden uit het Eoceen en van de huidige Vlaamse Banken = Comparative study of the depositional structures of tidal sands from the Eocene and from the modern Flemish Banks. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 5. Leuven University Press: Leuven. VIII, 137 pp.
Boeken (5) [show] |
- Verwaest, T.; Houthuys, R.; Roest, B.; Dan, S.; Montreuil, A.-L. (2021). A coastline perturbation caused by natural feeding from a shoreface-connected ridge, headland Sint-André, Belgium [POSTER]. Presented at ICS 2021, 3-5 May 202 online from Seville (Spain). Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer
- Roest, B.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). Coastal surveys: an invaluable source of data [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. KU Leuven: Leuven. 1 poster pp., meer
- Roest, B.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). How does the Flemish coast change? Analysis of decades of coastal monitoring [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. KU Leuven: Leuven. 1 poster pp., meer
Strypsteen, G.; Houthuys, R.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). Dune evolution at decadal timescales and its relation with potential aeolian transport [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. KU Leuven: Leuven. 1 poster pp., meer
- Verwaest, T.; Houthuys, R.; Roest, B.; Dan, S.; Montreuil, A.-L. (2019). Natural feeding of the coastline from a shoreface-connected ridge Headland Sint-André, Koksijde [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (12) [show] |
- Van Lancker, V.; Deronde, B.; De Vos, K.; Fettweis, M.; Houthuys, R.; Martens, C.; Mathys, M. (2015). Kust en zee, in: Borremans, M. (Ed.) Geologie van Vlaanderen. pp. 340-408
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Bollen, M.; Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R. (2006). Operational remote sensing mapping of estuarine suspended sediment concentrations (ORMES), in: Evolutions in hydrography, 6th - 9th November 2006, Provincial House Antwerp, Belgium: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies. Special Publication (Hydrographic Society), 55: pp. 129-132, meer
- Verwaest, T.; Trouw, K.; Martens, C.; Van de Walle, B.; Suykens, K.; Houthuys, R.; Maertens, J.; Keppers, C.; Wauters, P.; Stoops, E.; Smets, S.; Vanneuville, W.; Maeghe, K.; De Mulder, T. (2005). Flood risk analysis for the Flemish-Dutch coast, in: McKee Smith, J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 29th International Conference: Coastal Engineering 2004. pp. 3123-3135.
- De Putter, B.; De Wolf, P.; Yu, C.S.; Houthuys, R.; Van Sieleghem, J.; Fransaer, D. (1996). Suspended sediment concentrations along the Belgian coast - under storm conditions and over an M2 tidal cycle, in: 11th International Harbour Congress, Antwerpen, June 17-21, 1996: proceedings. pp. 729-738, meer
- De Moor, G.; Lanckneus, J.; Berne, S.; Chamley, H.; De Batist, M.; Houthuys, R.; Stolk, A.; Terwindt, J.; Trentesaux, A.; Vincent, C. (1993). Relationship between sea floor currents and sediment mobility in the Southern North Sea. Marine Sciences and technologies 1: 193-207
- De Wolf, P.; Fransaer, D.; Van Sieleghem, J.; Houthuys, R. (1993). Morphological trends of the Belgian coast shown by 10 years of remote-sensing based surveying, in: Hillen, R. et al. (Ed.) Coastlines of the Southern North Sea. Coastlines of the World, : pp. 245-257
- Houthuys, R.; De Moor, G.; Sommé, J. (1993). The shaping of the French-Belgian North Sea coast throughout recent geology and history, in: Hillen, R. et al. Coastlines of the Southern North Sea. Coastlines of the World, : pp. 27-40, meer
- Houthuys, R. (1989). Small-scale depositional structures of surface sediments of the Flemish Banks, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 165-177
- Vlaeminck, I.; Houthuys, R.; Gullentops, F. (1989). A morphological study of sandbanks off the Belgian coast, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 179-195
- Houthuys, R.; Gullentops, F. (1988). The Vlierzele sands (Eocene, Belgium): A tidal ridge system, in: de Boer, P.L. et al. (Ed.) Tide-influenced sedimentary environments and facies. Extended versions of papers presented at the Symposium on Classic Tidal Deposits, held August 1985 in Utrecht, Netherlands. pp. 139-152
- Houthuys, R.; Gullentops, F. (1988). Tidal transverse bars building up a longitudinal sand body (Middle Eocene, Belgium), in: de Boer, P.L. et al. (Ed.) Tide-influenced sedimentary environments and facies. Extended versions of papers presented at the Symposium on Classic Tidal Deposits, held August 1985 in Utrecht, Netherlands. pp. 153-166
- Vlaeminck, I.; Gullentops, F.; Houthuys, R. (1985). A morphological study of the Buiten Ratel sandbank, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 114-124, meer
Abstracts (8) [show] |
Dujardin, A.; Houthuys, R.; Nnafie, A.; Röbke, B.; Verwaest, T. (2023). MOZES: Research on the morphologic interaction between the sea bottom and the Belgian coastline, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 56-57
Dan, S.; Houthuys, R.; Montreuil, A.-L.; Verwaest, T. (2022). Evolution of the Ostend beach after multiple artificial sand nourishments, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 36-38
Montreuil, A.-L.; Robin, N.; Rolland, M.; Raynal, O.; Houthuys, R.; Chen, M. (2022). New investigation of coastal dunes evolution along the Belgian coast using ground-penetrating radar, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 48-49
Verwaest, T.; Houthuys, R.; Dan, S. (2022). Shoreface connected ridges as natural sand engines for coastline preservation, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 78-79
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Chen, M.S.; Brand, E.; De Wulf, A.; De Sloover, L.; Strypsteen, G.; Rauwoens, P.; Houthuys, R.; Dan, S.; Verwaest, T. (2020). Early-stage aeolian dune development and dynamics on the upper-beach, in: International Coastal Symposium 2020, 20April-23 April, 2020, Seville, Spain.
Esquerre, A.; Montreuil, A.-L.; Chen, M.; Houthuys, R.; Bogaert, P. (2019). Investigate monthly morphological parameters and meteo-marine forcing factors on a multibarred beach, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 107
Bertels, L.; Knaeps, E.; Kempeneers, P.; Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R. (2012). Remote sensing, an important tool for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, in: Belpaeme, K. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference Littoral 2012: Coasts of Tomorrow. Kursaal, Oostende, 27-29 November 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 61: pp. 133-134
Houthuys, R.; Mertens, T.; Geldhof, A.; Trouw, K. (2012). Long-term autonomous morphological trends of the Belgian shore, in: Belpaeme, K. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference Littoral 2012: Coasts of Tomorrow. Kursaal, Oostende, 27-29 November 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 61: pp. 191-193
Rapporten (25) [show] |
- Dujardin, A.; Houthuys, R.; Nnafie, A.; Röbke, B.; van der Werf, J.; de Swart, H.E.; Biernaux, V.; De Maerschalck, B.; Dan, S.; Verwaest, T. (2024). MOZES – Research on the Morphological Interaction between the Sea bottom and the Belgian Coastline: Working year 2. Version 4.0. FH reports, 20_079_2. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. IX, 132 + 30 p. app. pp., meer
- Dujardin, A.; Houthuys, R.; Nnafie, A.; Röbke, B.; van der Werf, J.; de Swart, H.E.; Biernaux, V.; De Maerschalck, B.; Dan, S.; Verwaest, T. (2023). MOZES – Research on the Morphological Interaction between the Sea bottom and the Belgian Coastline: working year 1. Version 4.0. FH reports, 20_079_1. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. XII, 155 + 6 p. app. pp., meer
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Dan, S.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2023). Monitoring the morphodynamics of the Zwin inlet: final report 2019-2022 period. Version 4.0. FH reports, 16_089_4. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. VII, 59 + 7 p. app. pp., meer
- Dujardin, A.; Montreuil, A.-L.; Trouw, K.; Dan, S.; De Maerschalck, B.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2022). Understanding the coastal resilience of the Belgian West Coast: set-up of a 1D coastline model. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 20_017_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 68 + 14 p. app. pp., meer
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Dan, S.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2022). Evolution of a large coastal nourishment at Knokke: 2nd year progress report. Version 1.0. FHR reports, 19_118_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VI, 19 + 9 p. app. pp., meer
- Houthuys, R.; Vos, G.; Dan, S.; Verwaest, T. (2021). Long-term morphological evolution of the Flemish coast: Holocene, Late Middle Ages to present. Version 1.0. FHR reports, 14_023_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 98 + 5 p. app. pp., meer
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Dan, S.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2021). Monitoring the morphodynamics of the Zwin inlet: interim report: 2 years after the works. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 16_089_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 44 + 2 p. app. pp., meer
- Montreuil, A.-L.; Brand, E.; Strypsteen, G.; Roest, B.; De Sloover, L.; Rauwoens, P.; De Wulf, A.; Houthuys, R.; Chen, M.; Verwaest, T. (2020). Scientific Report on Coastal Resilience. Deliverable D 3.4.1 CREST (Climate Resilient Coast) VLAIO/IWT project 150028. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 108 pp., meer
- De Sloover, L.; De Wulf, A.; Brand, E.; Montreuil, A.-L.; Chen, M.; Strypsteen, G.; Roest, B.; Rauwoens, P.; Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2019). Report on newly available meteomarine data, acquired morphological data, acquired aeolian transport data, field experiment activities and acquired field campaign data. Deliverable D3.2.1 CREST (Climate Resilient Coast) VLAIO/IWT project 150028. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 29 pp.
- Houthuys, R. (2019). Morphological analysis and decadal trends at Groenendijk, Mariakerke and De Haan until Summer 2019. Deliverable D3.3.1 (1) CREST (Climate Resilient Coast) VLAIO/IWT project 150028. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 35 pp.
- Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T.; De Sloover, L.; De Wulf, A.; Roest, B. (2019). Assessment of data uncertainty. Deliverable D3.3.1 (2) CREST (Climate Resilient Coast) VLAIO/IWT project 150028. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 33 pp.
- Houthuys, R.; Verwaest, T. (2019). Morphological database for management decisions. Deliverable D3.5 CREST (Climate Resilient Coast) VLAIO/IWT project 150028. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 30 pp.
- Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R.; Lanckriet, T.; Zimmermann, N.; Wang, L.; De Maerschalck, B.; Delgado, R.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2015). Wetenschappelijke bijstand zanddynamica: inventarisatie randvoorwaarden en morfologische impact van de Sinterklaasstorm op 6 december 2013. Version 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_107. Flanders Hydraulics Research/IMDC: Antwerp. IV, 38 + 3 p. bijl. pp., meer
Houthuys, R.; Trouw, K.; Delgado, R.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Evaluation of a shoreface nourishment in De Haan: analysis of 20 years of data. Version 4.0. WL Rapporten, 00_128_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. III, 31 + 49 p. appendices pp., meer
Houthuys, R. (2012). Morfologische trend van de Vlaamse kust in 2011. Agentschap Maritieme dienstverlening en Kust. Afdeling Kust: Oostende. 150 pp., meer
- International Marine and Dredging Consultants; Houthuys, R. (2010). Geïntegreerd kustveiligheidsplan: morfologische evolutie van de Vlaamse kust tot 2009 ingedeeld in morfologisch homogene kuststroken, vanaf de eerste meetvlucht tot 2009, rekening houdend met de aangevoerde zandhoeveelheden. Vlaamse Overheid. Afdeling Kust: Oostende. V, 86 pp., meer
- Bertels, L.; Houthuys, R.; Deronde, B.; Knaeps, E.; Vandevoorde, B.; Van den Bergh, E. (2008). Automatisatie kartering voor opvolging areaal slikken en schorren Zeeschelde: eindrapport. Bijlage: bundel met steekkkaarten [MAP]. Afdeling Maritieme Toegang: Antwerpen. maps pp., meer
- Kissiyar, O.; Van Valckenborgh, J.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Tortelboom, E. (2005). Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren = Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing of the dynamic dunes along the Belgian coast (HYPERKART). Versie 2.0. AWZ/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid/GIS Vlaanderen/Instituut voor Natuurbehoud/VITO/Vlaamse Landmaatschappij: [s.l.]. xiii, 180 + maps, cd-rom pp., meer
- Kissiyar, O.; Van Valckenborgh, J.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Tortelboom, E. (2005). Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren = Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing of the dynamic dunes along the Belgian coast (HYPERKART). Versie 2.0. AWZ/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid/GIS Vlaanderen/Instituut voor Natuurbehoud/VITO/Vlaamse Landmaatschappij: [s.l.]. xiii, 180 + maps, cd-rom pp., meer
- Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Debruyn, W.; Fransaer, D. (2004). Eindrapport proefproject "Hyperspectrale zandkarakterisatie en bepaling van het zandtransport in de Vlaamse Zeewering". Administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen. Afdeling Waterwegen Kust: Oostende. 131 + appendices pp., meer
- Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Debruyn, W.; Fransaer, D. (2003-2004). Duinkaarten - proefproject "Hyperspectrale zandkarakterisatie en bepaling van het zandtransport in de Vlaamse Zeewering". Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Afdeling Waterwegen Kust - Hydrografie: Oostende. 4 + 8 maps pp., meer
- De Wolf, H.; Houthuys, R.; Malherbe, B.; Raes, E. (1996). Evaluation of a beach nourishment combined with a nearshore feeder berm realized at the Belgian coast: internal note. Waterways Coast Division: Oostende. 7 pp.
- Blomme, E.; De Putter, B.; De Wolf, P.; Fransaer, D.; Van Sieleghem, J.; Houthuys, R. (1994). Study of spring and neap sediment transport in a sheltered tidal environment near Zeebrugge, Belgium. Unpublished manuscript. AWK/Eurosense: Oostende. 30 pp.
- Houthuys, R.; Martens, G. (1993). Visuele inspektie der stranden na de storm van 14 november 1993. Administratie Waterinfrastructuur en Zeewezen. Dienst der Kusthavens: Zeebrugge. 43 pp., meer
Houthuys, R. (1989). Small-scale depositional structures of surface sediments of the Flemish Banks. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1989(C:45). ICES: Copenhagen. 13 pp.
Overige publicaties (5) [show] |
Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R. (2009). Duin- en andere kustvegetaties in kaart brengen vanuit de lucht: het hoe en waarom. Koninklijk Gallois Genootschap 63(5): 218, 220, 222, 224, 226
Bertels, L.; Houthuys, R.; Deronde, B.; Knaeps, E.; Vandevoorde, B.; Van den Bergh, E. (2008). Eindrapport :Automatische kartering voor opvolging areaal slikken en schorren Zeeschelde. [S.n.]: [s.l.].
Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R. (2008). Duin- en andere kustvegetaties in kaart brengen vanuit de lucht: het hoe en waarom, in: De Grote Rede 23. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 23: pp. 16-20
Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; De Wolf, P. (2007). Het zandtransport langs de Vlaamse kust, opgevolgd vanuit de lucht, in: De Grote Rede 19. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 19: pp. 7-12, meer
- De Moor, G.; Lanckneus, J.; De Schaepmeester, G.; Meyus, I.; De Winne, E.; Vande Velde, L.; Martens, E.; Houthuys, R.; Chamley, H.; Trentesaux, A.; De Batist, M.; Berné, S.; Stolk, A.; Terwindt, J.; Vincent, Ch. (1993). Middelkerke Bank, Southern North Sea Mast I project 25-C Resecused (Relationship between seafloor currents and sediment mobility in the Southern North Sea). [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 1 map pp.