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Toepasbaarheid van sedimenttransport formules in het Schelde-estuarium |
Identifier financieringsorganisatie: WL 16_001 (Other contract id) Periode: Februari 2016 Status: Gestart Thesaurustermen Geomorfologie; Monitoring; Sedimenttransport |
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Abstract |
Over the last 2 years several measurement campaigns were performed by FHR (e.g. projects 00_128, 13_131, 14_083). The results are used to calibrate/validate existing or new numerical models. Within these models several sediment transport formula can be used, but no comparison has been made between the measurement data and the formula itself.
Within the scope of a master thesis (14_116) a first comparison was made between measurements, theory and models. The results are interesting, although further analysis is necessary. This proposal aims to build on the results of this thesis, incorporating more measurement data and more formula. Following steps are foreseen: 1. Analysis of appropriate sediment transport formula for the conditions of the Schelde-estuary 2. Analysis of crucial information in sediment transport formula 3. Programming sediment transport formula in MATLAB or OCTAVE to calculate sediment transport from real flow/sediment characteristics 4. Collecting all available dataset of sediment transport measurements (beside FHR-measurements, also RWS measurements (MOVE-project)). 5. Programming calculation of total transport from measurement data in MATLAB or OCTAVE from measurements. 6. In situ measurements of sediment transport and necessary flow/sediment characteristics in the Westerschelde (focus on sand transport) 7. Comparison of theoretical sediment transport formula with field measurements OPTIONAL 1. Comparison of formula, field measurements with existing numerical models (link with 13_131, 14_024) 2. Comparison with sediment transport derived from bed form propagation (MARID-conference abstract proposal) |
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