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Management of the Scheldt basin as a functional entity: offprint of the Scheldt papers of the RBA-symposium, May 18-22 1992
(1992). Management of the Scheldt basin as a functional entity: offprint of the Scheldt papers of the RBA-symposium, May 18-22 1992. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Zeeland (RWS, ZL): Middelburg. 39 pp.
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 260519 [ download pdf ]
Abstract |
This rapport contains three papers written for the presentation at the international symposium " Transboundery River Basin Administration and Sustainable Development " organized by the center for comparative studies on River Basin Administration from May 18-22 1992 in Delft and Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The first paper deals with the legal, administrative and organizational aspects of the transboundery river Scheldt basin management. The second Paper describes the chemical conditions of surface water and sediment of the Scheldt basin and the required emission reductions the obtain a sound and sustainable development of the river basin. The third paper discusses the restoration and fortification of the characteristic morfological elements of the river and estuary Scheldt and the development of an integrated dredging-extraction-dumping strategy. |
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