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National Evaluation Report on the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme of the Netherlands 2002
Bovelander, R.W.; Langenberg, V.T. (2004). National Evaluation Report on the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme of the Netherlands 2002. Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ, 2004.006. RIKZ: Middelburg. 44 pp.
Deel van: Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ): s-Gravenhage. ISSN 0927-3980, meer
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Trefwoorden |
Environmental assessment Monitoring Planning > National planning ANE, Nederland [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Bovelander, R.W.
- Langenberg, V.T.
Abstract |
The Netherlands participates in the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) ot the Oslo and Paris Commissions. In this tramework it was agreed that all members or contracting parties should report on the national comments that accompany the data submissions to ICESdatabase. Thisreport presents the resultsand comments ot the Dutch contribution to the JAMPprogramme 2002. Wintertime concentrations tor Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and Ortho-phosphate were in agreement with earl ier reported downward trends. Though both nutrients still exceed MTRs (Maximum Toierabie Risk concentrations), the downward trend seems more progressive tor Ortho-phosphate than tor DIN. ot all measured metal concentrations in water only copper was occasionally exceeding MTR levels and ot all measured metal concentrations in sediment only As, Hg, Cd and Zn was occasionally exceeding the VR (target value). Most organic contaminants showed no major changes since 2001. TBT concentrations in water are in agreement with earlier reported decreasing trends. Nevertheless, TBTconcentrations in sediment still exceed MTR. A long-term assessment ot tish diseases in Flounder presented here showed, when excluding the 2002 data, a general improvement ot tlounder individuals in the Wadden Sea, Eastern Scheldt and coastal zone since the early nineties. The quality assurance programme ot the Dutch laboratories and details on detection limits and participation in QUASIMEME exercises are given. |
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