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Feeding and daily ration of three flounder species in Peter the Great Bay (the Japan Sea) in summer Pushchina, O.I. (1998). Feeding and daily ration of three flounder species in Peter the Great Bay (the Japan Sea) in summer, in: Biology of marine and freshwater resources of the southern part of Russian Far-East. Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre, 123: pp. 185-190
In: (1998). Biology of marine and freshwater resources of the southern part of Russian Far-East. Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre, 123. TINRO Centre: Vladivostok. ISBN 5-89131-013-9. 449 pp.
In: Izvestiya of the Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre) = Сборник Научнынч Трудов ТИНРО. Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO Centre): Vladivostok. ISSN 1606-9919
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