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Temporal evolution of decaying summer first-year sea ice in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica Tison, J.L.; Worby, A.; Delille, B.; Brabant, F.; Papadimitriou, S.; Thomas, D.; de Jong, J.; Lannuzel, D.; Haas, C. (2008). Temporal evolution of decaying summer first-year sea ice in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 55(8-9): 975-987. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.12.021
In: Deep-Sea Research, Part II. Topical Studies in Oceanography. Pergamon: Oxford. ISSN 0967-0645; e-ISSN 1879-0100
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Abstract |
Half-way through the observation period, the brine salinity became lower than that of the sea-water throughout the ice column. The brine network therefore switched to a "stratified" regime in which exchange with sea-water was limited to molecular diffusion, strongly stabilizing the bulk mean sea-ice salinity. During the transition between the two regimes, and in areas closer to ridges, slush water (resulting from a mixture of snow meltwater and sea water accumulated at the snow-ice interface) penetrated through the growing "honeycomb-like structure" and replaced the downward draining brines. This resulted in a slight local replenishment of nutrients (as indicated by dissolved silicic acid). However, as a whole, the described decaying regime in this globally unflooded location with limited snow cover should be unfavorable to the development of healthy and active surface and internal microbial communities. The switch from gravity to diffusion controlled transport mechanisms within the ice column also should affect the efficiency of gas exchange across the sea-ice cover. The observed late build-up of a continuous, impermeable, superimposed ice layer should further significantly hamper gas exchange. Statistical estimates of the evolution of the ice thickness during the observation period and salinity trends of the under-ice water salinity down to 30m corroborate model predictions of a moderate bottom melting (5-10cm) from ocean heat fluxes. |
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