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Modelling the seasonal variability of the Antarctic Slope Current Mathiot, P.; Goosse, H.; Fichefet, T.; Barnier, B.; Gallee, H. (2011). Modelling the seasonal variability of the Antarctic Slope Current. Ocean Sci. 7(4): 455-470. dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-7-455-2011
In: Ocean Science. Copernicus: Göttingen. ISSN 1812-0784; e-ISSN 1812-0792
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Abstract |
Sensitivity experiments to resolution indicate that a minimum model resolution of 0.5° is needed to capture the dynamics of the ASC in terms of water mass transport and re-circulation. Sensitivity experiments to atmospheric forcing fields shows that the wind speed along the Antarctic coast strongly controls the water mass transport and the seasonal cycle of the ASC. An increase in annual mean of easterlies by about 30% leads to an increase in the mean ASC transport by about 40%. Similar effects are obtained on the seasonal cycle: using a wind forcing field with a larger seasonal cycle (+30%) increases by more than 30% the amplitude of the seasonal cycle of the ASC. To confirm the importance of wind seasonal cycle, a simulation without wind speed seasonal cycle is carried out. This simulation shows a decrease by more than 50% of the amplitude of the ASC transport seasonal cycle without changing the mean value of ASC transport. |
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