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Composition and growth of subtidal parvosilvosa from Californian kelp forests
Neushul, M.; Dahl, A.L. (1967). Composition and growth of subtidal parvosilvosa from Californian kelp forests. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 15(1-4): 480-488. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01618644
In: Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. ISSN 0017-9957
Ook verschenen in:Kinne, O.; Aurich, H. (Ed.) (1967). Vorträge und Diskussionen. Erstes Europäisches Symposion über Meeresbiologie = Papers and discussions. First European Symposium on Marine Biology = Rapports et discussions. Premier symposium européen sur biologie marine. European Marine Biology Symposia, 1. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 15(1-4). 669 pp., meer
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 235364 [ aanvragen ]
Abstract |
1. Ecological studies of the kelp forests of Pacific North America have understandably stressed the larger vegetational components. An important vegetational component, previously neglected, is a taxonomically complex ldquoturfrdquo or parvosilvosa (Gislén 1930), composed of small algae and microscopic reproductive or developmental forms of larger algae.2. This report considers the ecological importance of this smaller plant component within the framework of the overall vegetational structure. Both diving studies and the cultivation of experimental material in the laboratory under controlled conditions have been utilized to probe the questions involved.3. Rocks and shells covered with representative algal turf have been cultured in the laboratory in naturally or artificially-illuminated tanks provided with a continuous supply of filtered seawater, and the resulting species composition has been compared with that occurring in nature.4. Both luxuriant forms of previously collected material and new forms have been observed in these cultures. Certain of these algae grow extremely well in culture and in some cases continue to reproduce, generating successive crops of plants. Growth rates under laboratory conditions for a few species have been measured and approach what might be expected in the field.5. Elective culture results suggest that many benthic algae may well exist for periods of time as ldquorestingrdquo or ldquoresistantrdquo stages, awaiting favorable environmental conditions. Stages such as those postulated have been produced in the laboratory.6. Complete taxonomic or ecological surveys of subtidal areas, and particularly the deeper benthic regions near the lower limits of plant distribution would benefit from culture studies of the type described. Subtidal benthic algae also lend themselves readily to experimental manipulation, and the results obtained to date, although preliminary, suggest possible experimental approache to subtidal ecology. |
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