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Experimental study of violent wave impact on a vertical structure with an overhanging horizontal cantilever slab
Kisacik, D.; Troch, P.; Van Bogaert, P. (2012). Experimental study of violent wave impact on a vertical structure with an overhanging horizontal cantilever slab. Ocean Eng. 49: 1-15. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.04.010
In: Ocean Engineering. Pergamon: Elmsford. ISSN 0029-8018; e-ISSN 1873-5258, meer
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 279322 [ download pdf ]
Author keywords |
Vertical walls; Breaking wave impact; Impact pressure and force |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Kisacik, D., meer
- Troch, P.
- Van Bogaert, P.
Abstract |
Results from wave impact tests are used to analyze the pressure distribution on a vertical structure with an overhanging horizontal cantilever slab. The structure faces two individual impacts, occurring sequentially on the vertical and horizontal parts. An expression is being proposed for the location of maximum pressures pmax (zmax) on the vertical part as a function of the wave steepness (H/L0). On the horizontal part, pmax is located at the attached corner of the structure. The relations between measured pmax on the both vertical and horizontal parts and related rise times (tr) are analyzed and new non-dimensional functions are proposed. The boundary conditions for occurring of high dynamic pressures are determined both on the vertical and horizontal part. Three different pressure distribution cases are proposed as SBW, BW and BWSAT according to the breaker type. For each breaker type, the local pressure ratio's ph3/ph1, ph1/pv1, and ph2/pv1 are analyzed, where ph1, ph2 and ph3 are the local peak pressures at the SWL and top and bottom of the vertical part respectively, whereas, pv1 is the local peak pressure on the horizontal part. Recommended profiles are calculated from local pmax values. |
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