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LAS degradability by marine biofilms derived from seawater in Spain and Sweden
Mauffret, A.; Gillan, D.C.; Eriksson, K.M.; Rottiers, A.; Blasco, J.; Temara, A. (2011). LAS degradability by marine biofilms derived from seawater in Spain and Sweden. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 74(5): 1250-1256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2011.02.016
In: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Academic Press/Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands etc. ISSN 0147-6513; e-ISSN 1090-2414
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 280326 [ download pdf ]
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Author keywords |
Biofilm; Acclimation; Temperature; Marine; Biodegradation; LAS |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Mauffret, A.
- Gillan, D.C.
- Eriksson, K.M.
- Rottiers, A.
- Blasco, J.
- Temara, A.
Abstract |
Marine biofilms were established on glass beads with or without deliberate pre-exposure to LAS (20 µg/L) in Spain (Cadiz) and Sweden (Kristineberg). The ability of each community to mineralize LAS (100 µg/L) was then assessed in biometers at four experimental temperatures (between 6 and 21 °C). Genetic diversity and biomass of the biofilms were assessed by genetic fingerprinting (DGGE) and direct bacterial counts. With biofilms from Sweden, where LAS was not detected in seawater (n=3), deliberate pre-exposure to LAS resulted in lower genetic diversity and higher mineralization rate constant; however, with biofilms from Spain, where 6.4±3.9 µgLAS/L (n=3) was measured during the colonization, pre-exposure did not affect the bacterial community. Bacterial acclimation therefore appeared to have been induced at environmental concentrations <6 µgLAS/L. Environmental pre-exposure was not a pre-requisite for featuring the full consortia of LAS degraders in the biometers. The mineralization rate was described using an Arrhenius equation at experimental temperatures within the typical annual range; however, they departed from this model below this range. |
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