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Book review "Asia. China as a sea power 1127–1369: A preliminary survey of the maritime expansion and naval exploits of the Chinese people during the Southern Song and Yuan periods By Lo Jung-Pang. Ed. and commentary by Bruce A. Elleman Singapore: NUS Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012. Pp. xx + 378. Maps, Bibliography, Index" Torck, M. (2015). Book review "Asia. China as a sea power 1127–1369: A preliminary survey of the maritime expansion and naval exploits of the Chinese people during the Southern Song and Yuan periods By Lo Jung-Pang. Ed. and commentary by Bruce A. Elleman Singapore: NUS Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012. Pp. xx + 378. Maps, Bibliography, Index". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 46(1): 136-138. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022463414000666
In: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS: New York. ISSN 0022-4634; e-ISSN 1474-0680
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