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Steamshipping companies and transmigration patterns: the use of European cities as hubs during the era of mass migration to the US Feys, T. (2016). Steamshipping companies and transmigration patterns: the use of European cities as hubs during the era of mass migration to the US, in: Prokopovych, M. et al. Special issue: cities and overseas migration in the long Nineteenth Century. Journal of Migration History, 2(2): pp. 247-274. https://dx.doi.org/10.1163/23519924-00202003
In: Prokopovych, M.; Feys, T. (Ed.) (2016). Special issue: cities and overseas migration in the long Nineteenth Century. Journal of Migration History, 2(2). Brill: Leiden. 209-376 pp.
In: Journal of Migration History. Brill: Leiden. ISSN 2351-9916; e-ISSN 2351-9924
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