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The daily port and shoreline emission inventory model BenHakoun, E.; Van de Voorde, E.; Shiftan, Y. (2024). The daily port and shoreline emission inventory model. Marit. Policy Manage. Latest Articles: 29. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2023.2243486
In: Maritime Policy and Management. Taylor & Francis: London. ISSN 0308-8839; e-ISSN 1464-5254
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Abstract |
This research developed a generic and new theoretical full bottom-up model framework that looks at the single vessel daily voyage through its port call stages, combined with vessel specific technical data per International Maritime Organization (IMO) number which consists of vessel category type, class, and main/auxiliary engine characteristics (i.e. type, speed rate, and tier grade). The developed methodology can be used to investigate daily ports emissions’ contribution to the existing emission inventory level in the area. This study claims that in terms of port emission inventory, the port and port-related area should be looked at in a more comprehensive way as the current port time perspective on the examined scenarios and stages has a crucial and significant gap in knowledge, which is significantly important for public and policy decision makers. Therefore, from the social perspective (air quality and health) these additional scenarios and stages should be counted to assess the vessel daily emission performance (vessel’s real ‘Gross Port Time’). |
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