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MAP Phase II: information for sustainable development (1998). MAP Phase II: information for sustainable development, in: Charou, E. et al. (Ed.) People and Technology: Sharing Knowledge and Shaping the Future of Aquatic Information in Europe: Proceedings of the 7th biennial meeting of EURASLIC 6-8 May 1998, Athina, Greece. IAMSLIC Conference Series, 7: pp. 29-31
In: Charou, E.; Baron, J.; Kazepis, D. (Ed.) (1998). People and Technology: Sharing Knowledge and Shaping the Future of Aquatic Information in Europe: Proceedings of the 7th biennial meeting of EURASLIC 6-8 May 1998, Athina, Greece. IAMSLIC Conference Series, 7. National Centre for Marine Research: Athina. ISBN 960-85952-4-X. 262 pp.
In: IAMSLIC Conference Series. IAMSLIC: Austin. ISSN 8755-6332
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