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In 2012 verloren we Jean Jacques Peters, voormalig ingenieur van het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (1964 tot 1979) en internationaal expert in sedimenttransport, rivierhydraulica en -morfologie. Als eerbetoon aan hem hebben we potamology (http://www.potamology.com/) gecreëerd, een virtueel gedenkarchief dat als doel heeft om zijn manier van denken en morfologische aanpak van rivierproblemen in de wereld in stand te houden en te verspreiden.
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Documenttype: Samenvatting |
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Management River morphology ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, Walsoorden [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
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Abstract |
A research programme for investigating the feasibility of the idea was conducted by Flanders Hydraulics Research in 2002 and 2003, combining several tools: desk studies on historical changes with maps, field measurements including flow and sediment transport, physical scale model tests and numerical models. The expert team concluded in 2003 that none of the results contradicted the feasibility of the new disposal strategy, although final judgement would only be possible after the execution of an in situ disposal test. During one month at the end of 2004, 500.000 m3 of sand was disposed with the diffuser in relatively shallow water at the seaward end of the Walsoorden sandbar. The experiment was thoroughly monitored with frequent multi-beam bathymetric surveys, several LIDAR-flights, marked sediment tracing, in-situ flow and sediment measurements and an extensive ecological monitoring. One year after the execution of the in situ disposal test, it was concluded that from morphological viewpoint the test was a success. Also the ecological monitoring revealed no significant negative changes in trends due to the disposal test. In 2006 a new disposal test was executed, using the traditional releasing technique from hopper dredgers in deeper water. Due to practical limitations, the disposal (again 500.000 m3) was spread over a 3 months period. The new experiment was again thoroughly monitored for morphology as well as for ecology. Since this second disposal test, a total of 700.000 m3 was used for successfully reshaping the sandbar. Up to now, the morphological outcome is according to the expectations. The report on the ecological monitoring was issued in May 2007 and is under review. The preliminary results did not show any negative effect on nature values of the site. The experiment goes on and it is |
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