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In 2012 verloren we Jean Jacques Peters, voormalig ingenieur van het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (1964 tot 1979) en internationaal expert in sedimenttransport, rivierhydraulica en -morfologie. Als eerbetoon aan hem hebben we potamology (http://www.potamology.com/) gecreëerd, een virtueel gedenkarchief dat als doel heeft om zijn manier van denken en morfologische aanpak van rivierproblemen in de wereld in stand te houden en te verspreiden.
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Alternative nourishment methods for the Belgian coast: exploring the possibilities for feeder-type mega nourishments along the Belgian coast Van De Lageweg, W.I.; Dan, S.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2021). Alternative nourishment methods for the Belgian coast: exploring the possibilities for feeder-type mega nourishments along the Belgian coast. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 14_092_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 96 + 30 p. app. pp.
Deel van: FHR reports. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Coastal protection > Coastal protection against erosion > Morphodynamics soft coastal defences Literature and desktop study Numerical modelling ANE, België, Belgische kust [Marine Regions] Brak water |
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Abstract |
To strengthen the safety of the coast, the Flemish government has approved the Masterplan Kustveiligheid in 2011. This Masterplan consists of a suite of measures to prevent flooding related to a 1000-year flood event. Nourishment of beaches is considered one of the most important measures to maintain and enhance coastal safety. Nowadays, beach nourishments along the Belgian coast (~annual volume 0.5 million m3) are constructed using a traditional method: by heightening the upper and intertidal beach. A possible alternative for creating a safer and more resilient Belgian coast are feeder-type mega nourishments such as the so-called Sand Engine along the Dutch coast. This innovative soft engineering intervention makes use of natural processes (i.e. waves, currents, wind) to redistribute the nourished sand across the entire coastal profile (i.e. shoreface, subaqueous and sub-aerial beach, and dune area) and represents a paradigm shift in coastal management. In this exploratory study, quantitative predictions of shoreline change across decadal timescales for a potential feeder type nourishments along the Belgian coast are made. Using the coastline model UNIBEST-CL+, the study aims to i) identify suitable locations for a feeder-type mega nourishment along the Belgian coast, ii) evaluate the alongshore sediment transport post-construction for a range of idealized mega nourishment with varying dimensions (alongshore and cross-shore extent, volume), iii) quantify the dispersion time of these mega nourishment designs, and iv) explore the sensitivity of the predicted shoreline changes and lifespan predictions to the hydrodynamic (i.e. waves and tidal currents) and sedimentary (i.e. grain size and sediment transport formulation) conditions. An identification of the current functions and usage of the Belgian coast is firstly made. By mapping opportunities from the coastal protection perspectives, nature development and recreation, an overview of the preferred locations for a feeder-type mega nourishment is generated. To address the multi-functionality of a mega nourishment, a location in which as many functions as possible can be combined is preferred. |
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