( 25 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
- de Brauwere, A.; Fripiat, F.; Cardinal, D.; Cavagna, A.-J.; De Ridder, F.; André, L.; Elskens, M. (2012). Isotopic model of oceanic silicon cycling: The Kerguelen Plateau case study. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 70: 42-59. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2012.08.004, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; de Brauwere, A.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2012). Processes controlling the Si-isotopic composition in the Southern Ocean and application for paleoceanography. Biogeosciences 9(7): 2443-2457. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-9-2443-2012, meer
- Cavagna, A.J.; Elskens, M.; Griffiths, F.B.; Fripiat, F.; Jacquet, S.H.M.; Westwood, K.J.; Dehairs, F. (2011). Contrasting regimes of production and potential for carbon export in the Sub-Antarctic and Polar Frontal Zones south of Tasmania. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(21-22): 2235-2247. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.05.026, meer
- Cavagna, A.J.; Fripiat, F.; Dehairs, F.; Wolf-Gladrow, D.; Cisewski, B.; Savoye, N.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Silicon uptake and supply during a Southern Ocean iron fertilization experiment (EIFEX) tracked by Si isotopes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56(1): 147-160. dx.doi.org/10.4319/lo.2011.56.1.0147, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Dehairs, F.; Speich, S.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Silicon pool dynamics and biogenic silica export in the Southern Ocean inferred from Si-isotopes. Ocean Sci. 7(5): 533-547. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-7-533-2011, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Cavagna, A.J.; Savoye, N.; Dehairs, F.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Isotopic constraints on the Si-biogeochemical cycle of the Antarctic Zone in the Kerguelen area (KEOPS). Mar. Chem. 123(1-4): 11-22. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2010.08.005, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Leblanc, K.; Elskens, M.; Cavagna, A.J.; Armand, L.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Efficient silicon recycling in summer in both the Polar Frontal and Subantarctic Zones of the Southern Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 435: 47-61. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps09237, meer
- Hermans, J.; André, L.; Navez, J.; Pernet, P.; Dubois, P. (2011). Relative influences of solution composition and presence of intracrystalline proteins on magnesium incorporation in calcium carbonate minerals: Insight into vital effects. J. Geophys. Res. 116(G1). dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010JG001487, meer
- Hermans, J.; Dubois, P.; André, L.; Vacelet, J.; Willenz, P. (2010). Growth rate and chemical features of the massive calcium carbonate skeleton of Petrobiona massiliana (Baeriida: Calaronea: Calcispongiae). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 90(4): 749-754. dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315409991081, meer
- Hoppema, M.; DeHairs, F.; Navez, J.; Monnin, C.; Jeandel, C.; Fahrbach, E.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2010). Distribution of barium in the Weddell Gyre: Impact of circulation and biogeochemical processes. Mar. Chem. 122(1-4): 118-129. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2010.07.005, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Corvaisier, R.; Navez, J.; Elskens, M.; Schoemann, V.; Leblanc, K.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2009). Measuring production-dissolution rates of marine biogenic silica by 30Si-isotope dilution using a high-resolution sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 7: 470-478, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Lorrain, A.; Paulet, Y.M.; André, L.; Dehairs, F. (2008). Synchronous barium peaks in high-resolution profiles of calcite and aragonite marine bivalve shells. Geo-Mar. Lett. 28(5-6): 351-358. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00367-008-0111-9, meer
- Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; Dehairs, F.A.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Fripiat, F.; Tison, J.-L.; André, L. (2007). Silicon isotopes in spring Southern Ocean diatoms: Large zonal changes despite homogeneity among size fractions. Mar. Chem. 106(1-2): 46-62. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2006.04.006, meer
- Cardoso, J.F.M.F.; Langlet, D.; Loff, J.F.; Martins, A.R.; Witte, J. IJ.; Santos, P.T.; van der Veer, H.W. (2007). Spatial variability in growth and reproduction of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) along the west European coast. J. Sea Res. 57(4): 303-315. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2006.11.003, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Cardinal, D.; Tison, J.-L.; Worby, A.; André, L. (2007). Diatom-induced silicon isotopic fractionation in Antarctic sea ice. J. Geophys. Res. 112(G02001): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2006JG000244, meer
- Fripiat, F.; Corvaisier, R.; Navez, J.; Elskens, M.; André, L.; Cardinal, D. (2007). New method (HR-SF-ICP-MS) to measure biosilica production and dissolution in ocean surface waters. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(15): A297-A297, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Lorrain, A.; Bouillon, S.; Willenz, P.; Dehairs, F.A. (2006). Stable carbon isotopic composition of Mytilus edulis shells: relation to metabolism, salinity, d13CDIC and phytoplankton. Org. Geochem. 37(10): 1371-1382. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2006.03.008, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2006). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(2): 395-407. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2005.09.015, meer
- Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; André, L.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Variations of carbon remineralisation in the Southern Ocean illustrated by the Baxs proxy. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 52(2): 355-370. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2004.10.002, meer
- Cardinal, D.; Savoye, N.; Trull, T.W.; André, L.; Kopczynska, E.E.; Dehairs, F.A. (2005). Corrigendum to: “Variations of carbon remineralisation in the Southern Ocean illustrated by the Baxs proxy”. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 52(11): 2193-2194. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2005.06.009, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Lorrain, A.; Navez, J.; Taylor, J.W.; André, L.; Keppens, E.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F. (2005). Strong biological controls on Sr/Ca ratios in aragonitic marine bivalve shells. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 6(5): Q05009 (16 pp.). dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004GC000874, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Navez, J.; Lorrain, A.; André, L. (2005). Inter- and intra-annual variations of Pb/Ca ratios in clam shells (Mercenaria mercenaria): a record of anthropogenic lead pollution? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50(12): 1530-1540. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.06.020, meer
- De Ridder, F.; Pintelon, R.; Schoukens, J.; Gillikin, D.P.; André, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; de Brauwere, A.; Dehairs, F.A. (2004). Decoding nonlinear growth rates in biogenic environmental archives. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 5(12): Q12015 (16 pp.). dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004GC000771, meer
- Lazareth, C.E.; Vander Putten, E.; André, L.; Dehairs, F.A. (2003). High-resolution trace element profiles in shells of the mangrove bivalve Isognomon ephippium: a record of environmental spatio-temporal variations? Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 57(5-6): 1103-1114. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0272-7714(03)00013-1, meer
- Fagel, N.; André, L.; Debrabant, P. (1997). Multiple seawater-derived geochemical signatures in Indian oceanic pelagic clays. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61(5): 989-1008. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0016-7037(96)00392-4, meer
- Dehairs, F.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Fripiat, F.; Moreau, S.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Schoemann, V.; Sapart, C.; Heinesch, B.; Zhou, J.; Carnat, G.; Roukaert, A.; Champenois, W.; de Jong, J. (2014). BIGSOUTH: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth system. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 44: 8-12, meer
- Lasbleiz, M.; Closset, I.; Quéguiner, B.; Leblanc, K.; Cardinal, D.; Navez, J.; Elskens, M. (2013). The biogenic silica cycle in relation with hydrodynamics in the area of interaction between the Antarctic Polar Front and the Kerguelen Plateau (KEOPS 2), in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], meer
- Quéguiner, B.; Leblanc, K.; Cornet-Barthaux, V.; Armand, L.; Fripiat, F.; Cardinal, D. (2011). Using a new fluorescent probe of silicification to measure species-specific activities of diatoms under varying environmental conditions, in: Ceccaldi, H.J. et al. Global Change: Mankind-Marine Environment Interactions. Proceedings of the 13th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium. pp. 283-287. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8630-3_51, meer
- Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2005). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction, in: Gillikin, D.P. Geochemistry of marine bivalve shells: the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. pp. 183-207, meer
- Cardoso, J.F.M.F.; Langlet, D.; Loff, J.F.; Martins, A.R.; Witte, J. IJ.; van der Veer, H.W. (2004). Spatial and temporal variability in growth and reproduction of the Japanese cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793): are they adapting to northern European waters? CM Documents - ICES, CM 2004(K:22). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 15 pp., meer