( 48 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
- Dromard, C.R.; Devault, D.A.; Bouchon-Navaro, Y.; Allénou, J.-P.; Budzinski, H.; Cordonnier, S.; Tapie, N.; Reynal, L.; Lemoine, S.; Thome, J.-P.; Thouard, E.; Monti, D.; Bouchon, C. (2022). Environmental fate of chlordecone in coastal habitats: recent studies conducted in Guadeloupe and Martinique (Lesser Antilles). Environm. Sc. & Poll. Res. 29(1): 51-60. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04661-w, meer
- Matondo, B.N.; Delrez, N.; Bardonnet, A.; Vanderplasschen, A.; Joaquim-Justo, C.; Rives, J.; Benitez, J.-P.; Dierckx, A.; Séleck, E.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2022). A complete check-up of European eel after eight years of restocking in an upland river: trends in growth, lipid content, sex ratio and health status. Sci. Total Environ. 807(Part 3): 151020. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151020, meer
- Bennett, K.A.; Robinson, K.J.; Armstrong, H.C.; Moss, S.E.W.; Scholl, G.; Tranganida, A.; Eppe, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Debier, C.; Hall, A.J. (2021). Predicting consequences of POP-induced disruption of blubber glucose uptake, mass gain rate and thyroid hormone levels for weaning mass in grey seal pups. Environ. Int. 152: 106506. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106506, meer
- Gismondi, E.; Daneels, L.; Damseaux, F.; Lehnert, K.; Siebert, U.; Das, K. (2021). Preliminary study of oxidative stress biomarkers and trace elements in North Sea harbour seals. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 163: 111905. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111905, meer
- Robinson, K.J.; Hall, A.J.; Scholl, G.; Debier, C.; Thomé, J.-P.; Eppe, G.; Adam, C.; Bennett, K.A. (2019). Investigating decadal changes in persistent organic pollutants in Scottish grey seal pups. Aquat. Conserv. 29(S1): 86-100. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3137, meer
- Zanuttini, C.; Gally, F.; Scholl, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Eppé, G.; Das, K. (2019). High pollutant exposure level of the largest European community of bottlenose dolphins in the English Channel. NPG Scientific Reports 9(1): 10 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-48485-7, meer
- Robinson, K.J.; Hall, A.J.; Debier, C.; Eppe, G.; Thome, J.-P.; Bennett, K.A. (2018). Persistent organic pollutant burden, experimental POP exposure, and tissue properties affect metabolic profiles of blubber from gray seal pups. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52(22): 13523-13534. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b04240, meer
- Schnitzler, J.G.; Pinzone, M.; Autenrieth, M.; van Neer, A.; IJsseldijk, L.L.; Barber, J.L.; Deaville, R.; Brownlow, A.; Schaffeld, T.; Thomé, J.-P.; Tiedemann, R.; Das, K.; Siebert, U. (2018). Inter-individual differences in contamination profiles as tracer of social group association in stranded sperm whales. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 10958. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-29186-z, meer
- Damseaux, F.; Kiszka, J.J.; Heithaus, M.R.; Scholl, G.; Eppe, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Lewis, J.; Hao, W.; Fontaine, M.C.; Das, K. (2017). Spatial variation in the accumulation of POPs and mercury in bottlenose dolphins of the Lower Florida Keys and the coastal Everglades (South Florida). Environ. Pollut. 220(Part A): 577-587. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.005, meer
- Bonnineau, C.; Scaion, D.; Lemaire, B.; Belpaire, C.; Thomé, J.-P.; Thonon, M.; Leermaker, M.; Gao, Y.; Debier, C.; Silvestre, F.; Kestemont, P.; Rees, J.-F. (2016). Accumulation of neurotoxic organochlorines and trace elements in brain of female European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 45: 346-355. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.etap.2016.06.009, meer
- Legrand, E.; Forget-Leray, J.; Duflot, A.; Olivier, S.; Thomé, J.-P.; Danger, J.-M.; Boulangé-Lecomte, C. (2016). Transcriptome analysis of the copepod Eurytemora affinis upon exposure to endocrine disruptor pesticides: focus on reproduction and development. Aquat. Toxicol. 176: 64-75. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.04.010, meer
- Lemaire, B.; Mignolet, E.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Rees, J.F. (2016). High hydrostatic pressure influences the in vitro response to xenobiotics in Dicentrarchus labrax liver. Aquat. Toxicol. 173: 43-52. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.01.004, meer
- Adjeroud, M.; Mauguit, Q.; Penin, L. (2015). The size-structure of corals with contrasting life-histories: a multi-scale analysis across environmental conditions. Mar. Environ. Res. 112(Part A): 131-139. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.10.004, meer
- Dyc, C.; Covaci, A.; Debier, C.; Leroy, C.; Delcroix, E.; Thomé, J.-P.; Das, K. (2015). Pollutant exposure in green and hawksbill marine turtles from the Caribbean region. Regional Studies in Marine Science 2: 158-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2015.09.004, meer
- Pinzone, M.; Budzinski, H.; Tasciotti, A.; Ody, D.; Lepoint, G.; Schnitzler, J.; Scholl, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Tapie, N.; Eppe, G.; Das, K. (2015). POPs in free-ranging pilot whales, sperm whales and fin whales from the Mediterranean Sea: influence of biological and ecological factors. Environ. Res. 142: 185-196. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2015.06.021, meer
- Ladrière, O.; Penin, L.; Van Lierde, E.; Vidal-Dupiol, J.; Kayal, M.; Roberty, S.; Poulicek, M.; Adjeroud, M. (2014). Natural spatial variability of algal endosymbiont density in the coral Acropora globiceps: a small- scale approach along environmental gradients around Moorea ( French Polynesia). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 94(1): 65-74. dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315413001252, meer
- Lebrun, D; Leroy, D.; Giusti, A.; Gourlay-France, C; Thomé, J.-P. (2014). Bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Gammarus pulex: relative importance of different exposure routes and multipathway modeling. Aquat. Toxicol. 154: 107-113. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.05.015, meer
- Peterson, H; Hassrick, L; Lafontaine, A.; Thome, J.-P.; Crocker, E; Debier, C.; Costa, P (2014). Effects of age, adipose percent, and reproduction on PCB concentrations and profiles in an extreme fasting North Pacific marine mammal. PLoS One 9(4): -. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0096191, meer
- Roberty, S.; Bailleul, B.; Berne, N.; Franck, F.; Cardol, P. (2014). PSI Mehler reaction is the main alternative photosynthetic electron pathway in Symbiodinium sp., symbiotic dinoflagellates of cnidarians. New Phytol. 204(1): 81-91. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.12903, meer
- Fransolet, D.; Roberty, S.; Herman, A.-C.; Tonk, L; Hoegh-Guldberg, O; Plumier, J.-C. (2013). Increased cell proliferation and mucocyte density in the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida recovering from bleaching. PLoS One 8(5): -. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0065015, meer
- Debier, C.; Crocker, D.E.; Houser, D.S.; Vanden Berghe, M.; Fowler, M.; Mignolet, E.; de Tillesse, T.; Rees, J.F.; Thomé, J.-P.; Larondelle, Y. (2012). Differential changes of fat-soluble vitamins and pollutants during lactation in northern elephant seal mother-pup pairs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 162(4): 323-330. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2012.04.001, meer
- Fransolet, D.; Roberty, S.; Plumier, J.-C. (2012). Establishment of endosymbiosis: the case of cnidarians and Symbiodinium. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 420-421: 1-7. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2012.03.015, meer
- Lemaire, B.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Stegeman, J.; Mork, J.; Rees, J.F. (2012). Precision-cut liver slices to investigate responsiveness of deep-sea fish to contaminants at high pressure. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(18): 10310-10316. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es301850e, meer
- Richir, J.; Velimirov, B.; Poulicek, M.; Gobert, S. (2012). Use of semi-quantitative kit methods to study the heterotrophic bacterial community of Posidonia oceanica meadows: limits and possible applications. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 109: 20-29. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2012.05.013, meer
- Thi Tu, H.; Silvestre, F.; De Meulder, B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Thanh Phuong, N.; Kestemont, P. (2012). Combined effects of deltamethrin, temperature and salinity on oxidative stress biomarkers and acetylcholinesterase activity in the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Chemosphere 86(1): 83-91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.09.022, meer
- Lemaire, B.; Beck, M.; Jaspart, M.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Rees, J.F. (2011). Precision-Cut Liver Slices of Salmo salar as a tool to investigate the oxidative impact of CYP1A-mediated PCB 126 and 3-methylcholanthrene metabolism. Toxicology in vitro 25(1): 335-342. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2010.10.002, meer
- Praca, E.; Laran, S.; Lepoint, G.; Thomé, J.P.; Quetglas, A.; Belcari, P.; Sartor, P.; Dhermain, F.; Ody, D.; Tapie, N.; Budzinski, H.; Das, K. (2011). Toothed whales in the northwestern Mediterranean: Insight into their feeding ecology using chemical tracers. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 62(5): 1058-1065. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.02.024, meer
- Schnitzler, J.G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Lepage, M.; Das, K. (2011). Organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and trace elements in wild European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) off European estuaries. Sci. Total Environ. 409(19): 3680-3686. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.06.018, meer
- Vidal-Dupiol, J.; Ladrière, O.; Destoumieux-Garzon, D.; Sautiere, P.E.; Meistertzheim, A.L.; Tambutte, E.; Tambutte, S.; Duval, D.; Foure, L.; Adjeroud, M.; Mitta, G. (2011). Innate immune responses of a scleractinian coral to Vibriosis. J. Biol. Chem. 286(25): 22688-22698. dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M110.216358, meer
- Vidal-Dupiol, J.; Ladrière, O.; Meistertzheim, A.; Foure, L.; Adjeroud, M.; Mitta, G. (2011). Physiological responses of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis to bacterial stress from Vibrio coralliilyticus. J. Exp. Biol. 214(9): 1533-1545. https://dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.053165, meer
- Guirlet, E.; Das, K.; Thomé, J.-P.; Girondot, M. (2010). Maternal transfer of chlorinated contaminants in the leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, nesting in French Guiana. Chemosphere 79(7): 720-726. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.02.047, meer
- Lemaire, B.; Priede, I.G.; Collins, M.A.; Bailey, D.M.; Schtickzelle, N.; Thomé, J.P.; Rees, J.F. (2010). Effects of organochlorines on cytochrome P450 activity and antioxidant enzymes in liver of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris. Aquat. Biol. 8(2): 161-168. dx.doi.org/10.3354/ab00227, meer
- Thi Tu, H.; Silvestre, F.; Wang, N.; Thomé, J.-P.; Thanh Phuong, N.; Kestemont, P. (2010). A multi-biomarker approach to assess the impact of farming systems on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Chemosphere 81(10): 1204-1211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.09.039, meer
- Vanden Berghe, M.; Mat, A.; Arriola, A.; Polain, S.; Stekke, V.; Thomé, J.-P.; Gaspart, F.; Pomeroy, P.; Larondelle, Y.; Debier, C. (2010). Relationships between vitamin A and PCBs in grey seal mothers and pups during lactation. Environ. Pollut. 158(5): 1570-1575. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2009.12.012, meer
- Thi Tu, H.; Silvestre, F.; Scippo, M.-L.; Thomé, J.-P.; Thanh Phuong, N.; Kestemont, P. (2009). Acetylcholinesterase activity as a biomarker of exposure to antibiotics and pesticides in the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 72(5): 1463-1470. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2009.04.008, meer
- Ladriere, O.; Compere, P.; Decloux, N.; Vandewalle, P.; Poulicek, M. (2008). Morphological alterations of zooxanthellae in bleached cnidarian hosts. Cah. Biol. Mar. 49(3): 215-227, meer
- Schnitzler, J.G.; Koutrakis, E.T.; Siebert, U.; Thomé, J.-P.; Das, K. (2008). Effects of persistent organic pollutants on the thyroid function of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the Aegean sea, is it an endocrine disruption? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 56(10): 1755-1764. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.06.011, meer
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- Debier, C.; Chalon, C.; Le Bœuf, B.J.; de Tillesse, T.; Larondelle, Y.; Thomé, J.-P. (2006). Mobilization of PCBs from blubber to blood in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) during the post-weaning fast. Aquat. Toxicol. 80(2): 149-157. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2006.08.002, meer
- Lepoint, G.; Cox, A.-S.; Dauby, P.; Poulicek, M.; Gobert, S. (2006). Food sources of two detritivore amphipods associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica leaf litter. Mar. Biol. Res. 2(5): 355-365. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17451000600962797, meer
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- Damseaux, F.; Kiszka, JK; Heithaus, MH; Scholl, G.; Eppe, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Lewis, JL; Das, K. (2016). Spatial variation in the concentrations of mercury and persistent organic pollutants in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins from South Florida, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 31, meer
- Pinzone, M.; Budzinski, H.; Tasciotti, A.; Ody, D.; Lepoint, G.; Schnitzler, J.; Scholl, G.; Thomé, J.-P.; Tapie, N.; Eppe, G.; Das, K. (2015). Influences of blubber composition and profile in the assessment of POPs levels in free-ranging cetaceans, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 107, meer
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