Publicaties (25) |
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A1 publicaties (8) [show] |
- Kok, A.C.M.; Bruil, L.; Berges, B.; Sakinan, S.; Debusschere, E.; Reubens, J.; de Haan, D.; Norro, A.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2021). An echosounder view on the potential effects of impulsive noise pollution on pelagic fish around windfarms in the North Sea. Environ. Pollut. 290: 118063., meer
- de Haan, D.; Fosseidengen, J.E.; Fjelldal, P.G.; Burggraaf, D.; Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2016). Pulse trawl fishing: characteristics of the electrical stimulation and the effect on behaviour and injuries of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 73(6): 1557-1569., meer
- Soetaert, M.; de Haan, D.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A.; Puvanendran, V.; Saunders , J.H.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K. (2016). Atlantic Cod show a highly variable sensitivity to electric-induced spinal injuries. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 8(1): 412-424., meer
- Lindeboom, H.J.; Kouwenhoven, H.J.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Bouma, S.; Brasseur, S.; Daan, R.; Fijn, R.C.; de Haan, D.; Dirksen, S.; van Hal, R.; Hille Ris Lambers, R.; ter Hofstede, R.; Krijgsveld, K.L.; Leopold, M.; Scheidat, M. (2011). Short-term ecological effects of an offshore wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone; a compilation. Environ. Res. Lett. 6(3): 035101 (13 pp.)., meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; Van der Heul, S.; Verboom, W.C.; Jennings, N.; Van der Veen, J.; de Haan, D. (2008). Startle response of captive North Sea fish species to underwater tones between 0.1 and 64 kHz. Mar. Environ. Res. 65(5): 369-377., meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; Van der Heul, S.; Van der Veen, J.; Verboom, W.C.; Jennings, N.; de Haan, D.; Reijnders, P.J.H. (2007). Effects of acoustic alarms, designed to reduce small cetacean bycatch in gillnet fisheries, on the behaviour of North Sea fish species in a large tank. Mar. Environ. Res. 64(2): 160-180., meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; Van Schie, R.; Verboom, W.C.; de Haan, D. (2005). Underwater hearing sensitivity of a male and a female Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118(3): 1820-1829., meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; Bunskoek, P.; Hagedoorn, M.; Au, W.W.L.; de Haan, D. (2002). Audiogram of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) measured with narrow-band frequency-modulated signals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112(1): 334-344., meer
Boek [show] |
- de Haan, D.; van Marlen, B.; Kristiansen, T.S.; Fosseidengen, J.E. (2009). The effect of pulse stimulation on biota - research in relation to ICES advice - progress report on the effects on cod. IMARES Wageningen Report, C098/08. IMARES Wageningen UR: [s.l.]. 25 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (4) [show] |
- Kok, A.C.M.; Bruil, L.; Berges, B.; Sakinan, S.; Debusschere, E.; Reubens, J.; de Haan, D.; Norro, A.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2019). Effects of impulsive, low frequency anthropogenic noise on pelagic prey in the North Sea, in: Slabbekoorn, H. (Ed.) Rapportage ViZSiON‐project: een onderzoek naar aanwezigheid en gedrag van pelagische Vis en Zoöplankton ten tijde van Seismisch Onderzoek op de Noordzee (referentie # 31142840/Adema)
. pp. 5-31, meer
- van Marlen, B.; de Haan, D.; Revill, A.S.; Dahm, K.E.; Wienbeck, H.; Purps, M.; Coenjaerts, J.; Polet, H. (2002). By-catch reduction devices in the European Crangon fisheries, in: Paschen, M. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Methods for the Development and Evaluation of Maritime Technologies, Rostock 7-10 November 2001. Contributions on the Theory of Fishing Gears and Related Marine Systems, 2: pp. 207-220, meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; de Haan, D.; Goodson, A.D.; Staal, C.; Vaughan, N. (1997). The effects of various sounds on a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), in: Read, A.J. et al. The biology of the harbour porpoise. pp. 367-383, meer
- Kastelein, R.A.; de Haan, D.; Staal, C.; Goodson, A.D. (1997). The response of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to nets of various mesh sizes, with and without deterring sound, in: Read, A.J. et al. The biology of the harbour porpoise. pp. 385-409, meer
Abstract [show] |
- Kok, A.C.M.; Bruil, L.; Berges, B.; Sakinan, S.; Debusschere, E.; Reubens, J.; de Haan, D.; Norro, A.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2020). Suitability of echosounders to study zooplankton and pelagic fish in shallow water of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 60, meer
Rapporten (9) [show] |
- Rijnsdorp, A.; de Haan, D.; Smith, S.F.; Strietman, W.J. (2016). Pulse fishing and its effects on the marine ecosystem and fisheries: an update of the scientific knowledge. Wageningen Marine Research Report, C117/16. Wageningen University Research: [s.l.]. 30 pp., meer
- de Haan, D.; Haenen, O.L.M.; Chen, C.; Hofman, A; van Es, Y.; Burggraaf, D.; Blom, E (2015). Pulse trawl fishing: the effects on dab (Limanda limanda). IMARES Wageningen Report, C171/14. IMARES Wageningen UR: [s.l.]. 44 pp., meer
- de Haan, D.; Soetaert, M.; Verschueren, B. (2013). The effects of electric pulse stimulation on cultured adult cod, continued research 2013. IMARES Wageningen Report, C183/13. IMARES Wageningen UR: Wageningen. 21 pp., meer
- de Haan, D.; Fosseidengen, J.E.; Fjelldal, P.G.; Burggraaf, D. (2011). Pulse trawl fishing: the effects on dab (Limanda limanda). IMARES Wageningen Report, C141/11. IMARES Wageningen UR: [s.l.]. 44 pp., meer
- de Haan, D.; Fosseidengen, J.E.; Fjelldal, P.G.; Burggraaf, D. (2011). The effect of electric pulse stimulation to juvenile cod and cod of commercial landing size. IMARES Wageningen Report, C141/11. IMARES Wageningen UR: Wageningen. 44 pp., meer
- de Haan, D.; van Marlen, B.; Velzenboer, I.; Van der Heul, J.; van der Vis, H. (2009). The effect of pulse stimulation on biota - research in relation to ICES advice - effects on dogfish. IMARES Wageningen Report, C105/09. IMARES Wageningen UR: [s.l.]. 32 pp., meer
- van Marlen, B.; de Haan, D.; van Gool, A.; Burggraaf, D. (2009). The effect of pulse stimulation on marine biota - research in relation to ICES advice - progress report on the effects on benthic invertebrates. IMARES Wageningen Report, C103/09. IMARES Wageningen UR: Wageningen. 53 pp., meer
- van Marlen, B.; van de Vis, H.; de Haan, D.; Burggraaf, D.; van der Heul, J.W.; Terlouw, A. (2007). The effect of pulse stimulation on biota - research in relation to ICES advice - progress report with preliminary results. IMARES Wageningen Report, C098/07. IMARES Wageningen UR: Wageningen. 24 pp., meer
- van Marlen, B.; de Haan, D. (1998). Elektrische stimulering van platvis (verleden, heden en toekomst). Rapport Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek, TO 88-06. Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek (RIVO): Ijmuiden. 72 + bijlagen pp., meer
Overige publicaties (2) [show] |
- de Haan, D.; Soetaert, M. (2014). Onderzoek IMARES en ILVO naar de effecten van pulsvisserij op kabeljauw. Conditie kabeljauw bepalend voor letsel. Visserijnieuws 2014(2): 6-6, meer
- de Haan, D. (1993). The upgrading of a Mermaid underwater vehicle. ICES Mar. Sci. Symp. 196: 140-142, meer