Publicaties (14) |
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A1 publicaties (5) [show] |
de Nolasco Santos, F.; D'Antuono, P.; Robbelein, K.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2023). Long-term fatigue estimation on offshore wind turbines interface loads through loss function physics-guided learning of neural networks. Renew. Energy 205: 461-474., meer
Sadeghi, N.; D'Antuono, P.; Noppe, N.; Robbelein, K.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2023). Quantifying the effect of low-frequency fatigue dynamics on offshore wind turbine foundations: a comparative study. Wind Energy Science 8(12): 1839-1852., meer
de Nolasco Santos, F.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2022). Data-driven farm-wide fatigue estimation on jacket-foundation OWTs for multiple SHM setups. Wind Energy Science 7(1): 299-321., meer
Fallais, D.J.M.; Henkel, M.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2022). Multilevel RTN removal tools for dynamic FBG strain measurements corrupted by peak-splitting artefacts. Sensors 22(1): 92., meer
Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2018). Modeling of quasi-static thrust load of wind turbines based on 1 s SCADA data. Wind Energy Science 3(1): 139-147., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (5) [show] |
Robbelein, K.; Daems, P.-J.; Verstraeten, T.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Helsen, J.; Devriendt, C. (2023). Effect of curtailment scenarios on the loads and lifetime of offshore wind turbine generator support structures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2507: 012013., meer
de Nolasco Santos, F.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2020). SCADA-based neural network thrust load model for fatigue assessment: cross validation with in-situ measurements. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618(2): 022020., meer
Noppe, N.; Hubler, C.; Devriendt, C.; Weijtjens, W. (2020). Validated extrapolation of measured damage within an offshore wind farm using instrumented fleet leaders. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618(2): 022005., meer
Noppe, N.; Iliopoulos, A.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2016). Full load estimation of an offshore wind turbine based on SCADA and accelerometer data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753: 072025., meer
Weijtjens, W.; Noppe, N.; Verbelen, T.; Iliopoulos, A.; Devriendt, C. (2016). Offshore wind turbine foundation monitoring, extrapolating fatigue measurements from fleet leaders to the entire wind farm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753: 092018., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (4) [show] |
- de Nolasco Santos, F.; Robbelein, K.; D'Antuono, P.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2023). Towards a fleetwide data-driven lifetime assessment methodology of offshore wind support structures based on SCADA and SHM data, in: Rizzo, P. et al. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. EWSHM 2022 - Volume 1. pp. 123-132., meer
Noppe, N.; Tatsis, K.; Chatzi, E.; Devriendt, C.; Weijtjens, W. (2018). Fatigue stress estimation of offshore wind turbine using a Kalman filter in combination with accelerometers, in: Desmet, W. et al. Proceedings of ISMA2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering &
USD2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. pp. 4847-4855, meer
- Iliopoulos, A.; Van Hemelrijck, D.; Noppe, N.; Weijtjens, W.; Devriendt, C. (2017). Effective virtual sensing scheme for fatigue assessment of monopile offshore wind turbines, in: Bakker, J. et al. (Ed.) (2016). Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2016), 16-19 October 2016, Delft, The Netherlands. pp. 305-310, meer
- Weijtjens, W.; Noppe, N.; Verbelen, T.; Devriendt, C.; Iliopoulos, A. (2017). Fatigue life assessment of three offshore wind turbines, in: Bakker, J. et al. (Ed.) Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2016), 16-19 October 2016, Delft, The Netherlands. pp. 742-747, meer