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On the flocculation and settling velocity of estuarine mud Winterwerp, J.C. (2002). On the flocculation and settling velocity of estuarine mud. Cont. Shelf Res. 22(9): 1339-1360
In: Continental Shelf Research. Pergamon Press: Oxford; New York. ISSN 0278-4343; e-ISSN 1873-6955, meer
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Trefwoorden |
Sediments > Clastics > Mud > Fluid mud Sediments > Cohesive sediments Separation > Chemical precipitation > Flocculation Velocity > Settling rate |
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Abstract |
A new hindered settling formula is proposed which accounts for the gelling processes typical of cohesive sediment at high concentrations. When the floc concentration approaches unity, a space-filling network develops and the settling velocity becomes zero. This state of the suspension is often referred to as fluid mud. The flocculation model is implemented in a 1 DV POINT MODEL and applied to simulate the processes in a reach of the turbidity maximum in the Ems estuary, The Netherlands, where longitudinal gradients are small. The numerical results compare favourably with observed values of the vertical suspended sediment concentration, of the floc size and the fluid mud concentration. The model predicts large temporal variations in settling velocity and flocculation time, which explains why it was not possible to simulate the observed vertical profiles of suspended sediment concentration properly with a constant settling velocity. |
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