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Exact and approximated solutions to the critical ship speeds in canals Delefortrie, G.; Verwilligen, J.; Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Exact and approximated solutions to the critical ship speeds in canals, in: Schonees, J.S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35TH PIANC WORLD CONGRESS 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 April – 03 May 2024. pp. 649-654
In: Schonees, J.S. (Ed.) (2024). Proceedings of the 35TH PIANC WORLD CONGRESS 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 April – 03 May 2024. PIANC: Brussels. ISBN 978-2-87223-041-9. 1636 pp., meer
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
Trefwoorden |
Harbours and waterways > Resistance and propulsion > Bank effects Harbours and waterways > Ship motion > Fairway and harbour design Mathematics Proof Simulations Speed |
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Abstract |
With increasing ship speed the necessary return flow will no longer be met and the water will start to accumulate in front of the ship. At this point the flow condition starts to change, which is commonly referred to as the (first) critical speed. In the 1950s, critical speeds as a function of the blockage ratio were solved graphically, but afterwards elegant goniometric formulations of these critical speeds as a function of the blockage were established. Nevertheless, the appropriate proofs could not be traced back in literature. Because of the importance of the speed ranges, and their relationship with squat and resistance of ships navigating in canals, the present paper provides not only a proof of these goniometric relationships, but also introduces approximated solutions. |
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