Publicaties (115) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Projecten |
A1 publicaties (49) [show] |
- Mitsui, J.; Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.; Dominguez, J.M.; Martínez-Estévez, I.; Suzuki, T.; Kubota, S.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2023). DualSPHysics modelling to analyse the response of Tetrapods against solitary wave. Coast. Eng. 183: 104315., meer
Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Willems, M.; Dan, S. (2023). Non-hydrostatic modelling of coastal flooding in port environments. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 11(3): 575.
Tagliafierro, B.; Karimirad, M.; Altomare, C.; Goeteman, M.; Martinez-Estevez, I.; Capasso, S.; Dominguez, J.M.; Viccione, G.; Gomez-Gesteira, M.; Crespo, A.J.C. (2023). Numerical validations and investigation of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platform interacting with ocean waves using an SPH framework. Appl. Ocean Res. 141: 103757.
- Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Fourtakas, G. (2022). Latest developments and application of SPH using dualSPHysics. Computational Particle Mechanics 9(5): 863-866.
Briganti, R.; Musumeci, R.E.; Van der Meer, J.; Romano, A.; Stancanelli, Laura Maria; Kudella, M.; Akbar, R.; Mukhdiar, R.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; De Girolamo, P.; Besio, G.; Dodd, N.; Zhu, F.; Schimmels, S. (2022). Wave overtopping at near-vertical seawalls: Influence of foreshore evolution during storms. Ocean Eng. 261: 112024., meer
- Dominguez, J.M.; Fourtakas, G.; Altomare, C.; Canelas, R.B.; Tafuni, A.; Garcia-Feal, O.; Martinez-Estevez, I.; Mokos, A.; Vacondio, R.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Rogers, B.D.; Stansby, P.K.; Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2022). DualSPHysics: from fluid dynamics to multiphysics problems. Computational Particle Mechanics 9: 867-895.
- Lowe, R.J.; Altomare, C.; Buckley, M.L.; da Silva, R.F.; Hansen, J.E.; Rijnsdorp, D.P.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C. (2022). Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of reef surf zone processes driven by plunging irregular waves. Ocean Modelling 171: 101945.
- Suzuki, T.; García-Feal, O.; Dominguez, J.M.; Altomare, C. (2022). Simulation of 3D overtopping flow-object-structure interaction with a calibration-based wave generation method with DualSPHysics and SWASH. Computational Particle Mechanics 9: 1003-1015.
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C. (2022). Wave interactions with coastal structures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12). MDPI: Basel. e-ISBN 978-3-0365-3041-3. 268 pp., meer
Altomare, C.; Gironella, X.; Crespo, A.J.C. (2021). Simulation of random wave overtopping by a WCSPH model. Appl. Ocean Res. 116: 102888.
Lashley, C.H.; Van der Meer, J.; Bricker, J.D.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Hirayama, K. (2021). Formulating wave overtopping at vertical and sloping structures with shallow foreshores using deep-water wave characteristics. J. Waterway Port Coast. Ocean Eng. 147(6): 04021036., meer
Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C. (2021). Wave interactions with coastal structures. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(12): 1331., meer
Yuhi, M.; Mase, H.; Kim, S.; Umeda, S.; Altomare, C. (2021). Refinement of integrated formula of wave overtopping and runup modeling. Ocean Eng. 220: 108350.
Altomare, C.; Tafuni, A.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Gironella, X.; Sospedra, J. (2020). SPH simulations of real sea waves impacting a large-scale structure. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(10): 826.
Altomare, C.; Gironella, X.; Suzuki, T.; Viccione, G.; Saponieri, A. (2020). Overtopping metrics and coastal safety: a case of study from the Catalan coast. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(8): 556., meer
Altomare, C.; Laucelli, D.B.; Mase, H.; Gironella, X. (2020). Determination of semi-empirical models for mean wave overtopping using an evolutionary polynomial paradigm. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(8): 570.
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T. (2020). Influence of directional spreading on wave overtopping of sea dikes with gentle and shallow foreshores. Coast. Eng. 157: 103654., meer
Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Verwaest, T. (2020). Reduction of wave overtopping and force impact at harbor quays due to very oblique waves. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(8): 598., meer
Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2020). Validation of RANS modelling for wave interactions with sea dikes on shallow foreshores using a large-scale experimental dataset. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(9): 650., meer
Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2020). An inter-model comparison for wave interactions with sea dikes on shallow foreshores. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(12): 985., meer
Kisacik, D.; Stratigaki, V.; Wu, M.; Cappietti, L.; Simonetti, I.; Troch, P.; Crespo, A.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.; Hall, M.; Gomez-Gesteira, M.; Canelas, R.B.; Stansby, P. (2020). Efficiency and survivability of a floating oscillating water column wave energy converter moored to the seabed: an overview of the EsflOWC MaRINET2 database. Water 12(4): 992.
Lashley, C.; Zanuttigh, B.; Bricker, J.; van der Meer, J.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Roeber, V.; Oosterlo, P. (2020). Benchmarking of numerical models for wave overtopping at dikes with shallow mildly sloping foreshores: Accuracy versus speed. Environ. Model. Softw. 130: 104740., meer
Lashley, C.; Bricker, J.D.; van der Meer, J.W.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T. (2020). Relative magnitude of infragravity waves at coastal dikes with shallow foreshores: a prediction tool. J. Waterway Port Coast. Ocean Eng. 146(5): 04020034., meer
Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Yasuda, T.; Verwaest, T. (2020). Characterization of overtopping waves on sea dikes with gentle and shallow foreshores. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(10): 752., meer
- Tagliafierro, B.; Crespo, A.J.C.; González-Cao, J.; Altomare, C.; Sande, J.; Peña, E.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2020). Numerical modelling of a multi-chambered low-reflective caisson. Appl. Ocean Res. 103: 102325.
- Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Hall, M.; Altomare, C.; Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Cappietti, L.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2019). SPH simulation of floating structures with moorings. Coast. Eng. 153: 103560.
- Dominguez, J.M.; Altomare, C.; González-Cao, J.; Lomonaco, P. (2019). Towards a more complete tool for coastal engineering: solitary wave generation, propagation and breaking in an SPH-based model. Coast. Eng. J. 61(1): 15-40.
- González-Cao, J.; Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Kisacik, D. (2019). On the accuracy of DualSPHysics to assess violent collisions with coastal structures. Comput. fluids 179: 604-612.
- Lowe, R.J.; Buckley, M.L; Altomare, C.; Rijnsdorp, D.P.; Yao, Y.; Suzuki, T.; Bricker, J.D. (2019). Numerical simulations of surf zone wave dynamics using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Ocean Modelling 144: [1-22]., meer
Subramaniam, S.P.; Scheres, B.; Schilling, M.; Liebisch, S.; Kerpen, N.B.; Schlurmann, T.; Altomare, C.; Schüttrumpf, H. (2019). Influence of convex and concave curvatures in a coastal dike line on wave run-up. Water 11(7): 1333.
Verbrugghe, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2019). Implementation of open boundaries within a two-way coupled SPH model to simulate nonlinear wave-structure interactions. Energies (Basel) 12(4): 697.
- Verbrugghe, T.; Dominguez, J.M.; Altomare, C.; Tafuni, A.; Vacondio, R.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2019). Non-linear wave generation and absorption using open boundaries within DualSPHysics. Computer Physics Communications 240: 46-59.
Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Altomare, C.; Verbrugghe, T.; Crespo, A.; Cappietti, L.; Hall, M.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2019). Experimental study of a moored floating oscillating water column wave-energy converter and of a moored cubic box. Energies (Basel) 12(10): 1834.
- Altomare, C.; Tagliafierro, B.; Dominguez, J.M.; Suzuki, T.; Viccione, G. (2018). Improved relaxation zone method in SPH-based model for coastal engineering applications. Appl. Ocean Res. 81: 15-33., meer
- Roselli, R.A.R.; Vernengo, G.; Altomare, C.; Brizzolara, S.; Bonfiglio, L.; Guercio, R. (2018). Ensuring numerical stability of wave propagation by tuning model parameters using genetic algorithms and response surface methods. Environ. Model. Softw. 103: 62-73.
- Verbrugghe, T.; Domínguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2018). Coupling methodology for smoothed particle hydrodynamics modelling of non-linear wave-structure interactions. Coast. Eng. 138: 184-198.
- Zhang, F.; Crespo, A.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.; Marzeddu, A.; Shang, S.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2018). DualSPHysics: a numerical tool to simulate real breakwaters. J. Hydrodynam. (Print) 30(1): 95-105.
- Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; González-Cao, J.; Suzuki, T.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Troch, P. (2017). Long-crested wave generation and absorption for SPH-based DualSPHysics model. Coast. Eng. 127: 37-54., meer
Chen, X.; Jonkman, S.N.; Pasterkamp, S.; Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C. (2017). Vulnerability of buildings on coastal dikes due to wave overtopping. Water 9(6): 394-419., meer
- Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; González-Cao, M.; Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2017). Towards simulating floating offshore oscillating water column converters with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Coast. Eng. 126: 11-26., meer
- Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Altomare, C.; Oosterlo, P. (2017). Prediction formula for the spectral wave period T m-1,0 on mildly sloping shallow foreshores. Coast. Eng. 123: 21-28., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Veale, W.; Verwaest, T.; Trouw, K.; Troch, P.; Zijlema, M. (2017). Efficient and robust wave overtopping estimation for impermeable coastal structures in shallow foreshores using SWASH. Coast. Eng. 122: 108-123., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Chen, X.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A. (2016). Wave overtopping of sea dikes with very shallow foreshores. Coast. Eng. 116: 236-257., meer
- Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Suzuki, T.; Caceres, I.; Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2015). Hybridization of the wave propagation model SWASH and the meshfree particle method SPH for real coastal applications. Coast. Eng. J. 57(4): 1550024., meer
- Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Dominguez, J.M.L.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T. (2015). Applicability of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for estimation of sea wave impact on coastal structures. Coast. Eng. 96: 1-12., meer
- Chen, X.; Hofland, B.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Uijttewaal, W. (2015). Forces on a vertical wall on a dike crest due to overtopping flow. Coast. Eng. 95: 94-104., meer
- Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Rogers, B.D.; Dominguez, J.M.L.; Gironella, X.; Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2014). Numerical modelling of armour block sea breakwater with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Comput. Struct. 130: 34-45., meer
- Altomare, C.; Gironella, X. (2014). An experimental study on scale effects in wave reflection of low-reflective quay walls with internal rubble mound for regular and random waves. Coast. Eng. 90: 51-63., meer
- Altomare, C.; Gentile, G.M. (2013). An innovative methodology for the re-naturalization process of a shingle beach. J. Coast. Res. 65(special issue): 1456-1460., meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (3) [show] |
- Altomare, C.; Findikakis, A. (2020). Special issue on climate change adaptation and countermeasures in coastal environments. Hydrolink, 1. IAHR: [s.l.]. , meer
- Gironella, X.; Altomare, C. (2020). Durcwave "amending the design criteria of urbain defences in Leczs through composite-modelling of wave overtopping under climate change scenarios", in: Altomare, C. et al. Special issue on climate change adaptation and countermeasures in coastal environments. Hydrolink, 1: pp. 18-19, meer
- Rogers, B.D.; Mokos, A.; Fourtakas, G.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Altomare, C.; Canelas, R. (2015). Developing SPH simulations for coastal applications accelerated on GPUs using dualsphysics. Hydrolink 3: 81-84, meer
Boeken (9) [show] |
- Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2019). Numerical modelling of overtopped bore impacts on dike mounted vertical walls in very shallow foreshore conditions [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Ghent University: Ghent. 1 poster pp., meer
- Verwaest, T.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T. (2019). Influence of directional spreading on wave overtopping [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T.; Suzuki, T.; De Roo, S.; Vanneste, D. (2018). Multi-directional wave basin for shallow foreshore applications [PRESENTATION]. Presented at Coastlab18, Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 25 slides pp., meer
- Altomare, C. (2017). Coupling between dualsphysics and swash models and latest applications to coastal engineering problems [PRESENTATION]. Presented at the 3rd DualSPHysics Users Workshop, 13-15 Nov. 2017, Parma. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 26 slides pp., meer
- Crespo, A.J.C.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Altomare, C. (Ed.) (2017). Proceedings of the 12th International SPHERIC Workshop, Ourense, 13-15 June 2017, Universidade de Vigo, Spain. Universidad de Vigo/Flanders Hydraulics Research: Vigo. ISBN 978-84-697-3678-4. vii, 456 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Willems, M. (2016). Wave overtopping assessment in very shallow water conditions: the equivalent slope concept [PRESENTATION]. Presented at Coastlab16, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University: Antwerp. 22 slides pp., meer
- Altomare, C. (2014). Validating the SPH concept (is SPH suitable for the Flemish Coast?) [PRESENTATION]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 40 slides pp., meer
- Altomare, C. (2014). Hybridization technique(SWASH+SPH) [PRESENTATION]. Flanders Hydraulics Research/University of Ghent: Antwerp. 45 slides pp., meer
- Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T. (2014). Overtopping reduction for harbor quays under very oblique waves attack [PRESENTATION]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 15 slides pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (26) [show] |
- Suzuki, T.; Vasarmidis, P.; De Roo, S.; Zijlema, M. (2023). Investigation of directional spreading effect on wave run-up using SWASH, in: Cox, D. Proceedings of 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2022. pp. [1], meer
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Altomare, C.; Marinov, K.; Hughes, S.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Suzuki, T.; Cappietti, L. (2019). Non-repeatability, scale- and model effects in laboratory measurement of impact loads induced by an overtopped bore on a dike mounted wall, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 3: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. pp. 10
Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Gruwez, V.; Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Saponieri, A.; Pasquali, D.; Valentini, N.; Tripepi, G.; Celli, D.; Di Risio, M.; Aristodemo, F.; Damiani, L.; Cappietti, L.; Breteler, M.K.; Kaste, D. (2019). Overtopped wave loads on walls (Walowa) – Numerical and physical modelling of large-scale experiments in the Delta Flume, in: Henry, P.-Y. et al. Trans-national Access in Hydralab+: Proceedings of the Joint User Meeting Bucharest, Romania, 22-23 May 2019. pp. 57-67, meer
- Altomare, C.; Tagliafierro, B.; Suzuki, T.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Briganti, R. (2018). Relaxation zone method in SPH-based model applied to wave-structure interaction, in: The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 10-15 June, Sapporo, Japan. pp. [1-8], meer
- Altomare, C.; Viccione, G.; Tagliafierro, B.; Bovolin, V.; Dominguez, J.M.L.; Crespo, A.J.C. (2018). Free-surface flow simulations with smoothed particle hydrodynamics method using high-performance computing, in: Ionescu, A. (Ed.) Computational fluid dynamics: basic instruments and applications in science. pp. 73-100., meer
- Altomare, C.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T.; Suzuki, T.; De Roo, S.; Vanneste, D. (2018). Multi-directional wave basin for shallow foreshore applications, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. pp. [1-8], meer
Briganti, R.; Musumeci, R.E.; van der Meer, J.W.; Romano, A.; Stancanelli, L.M.; Kudella, M.; Akbar, R.; Mukhdiar, R.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; De Girolamo, P.; Mancini, G.; Besio, G.; Dodd, N.; Schimmels, S. (2018). Large scale tests on foreshore evolution during storm sequences and the performance of a nearly vertical structure, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-10], meer
- Gruwez, V.; Vandebeek, I.; Kisacik, D.; Streicher, M.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). 2D experiments of wave dynamics in front of and over a sea dike with a very shallow foreshore, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. pp. 1-10
Gruwez, V.; Vandebeek, I.; Kisacik, D; Streicher, M.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). 2D overtopping and impact experiments in shallow foreshore conditions, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-13], meer
Van der Meer, J.; Akbar, R.; Mukhdiar, R.; Briganti, R.; Musumeci, R.E.; Romano, A.; Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C. (2018). Wave overtopping with a changing steep sandy foreshore, conventional and numerical analysis of results, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-2]., meer
- Vandebeek, I.; Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Vanneste, D.; De Roo, S.; Toorman, E.; Troch, P. (2018). Towards an efficient and highly accurate coupled numerical modelling approach for wave interactions with a dike on a very shallow foreshore, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. pp. [1-10], meer
- Altomare, C.; González-Cao, J.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Lomonaco, P. (2017). Generation of trains of tsunami-like solitary waves in DualSPHysics model, in: Crespo, A.J.C. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th International SPHERIC Workshop, Ourense, 13-15 June 2017, Universidade de Vigo, Spain. pp. 83-89, meer
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Altomare, C.; Gruwez, V.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Marinov, K.; Scheres, B.; Schüttrumpf, H.F.R.; Hirt, M.; Cappietti, L.; Esposito, A.; Saponieri, A.; Valentini, N.; Tripepi, G.; Pasquali, D.; Di Risio, M.; Aristodemo, F.; Damiani, L.; Willems, M.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Breteler, M.K.; Kaste, D. (2017). Walowa (Wave Loads on Walls): Large-scale experiments in the Delta flume, in: Proceedings of the International Short Course and Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 03 - 06 October 2017, Santander, Spain. pp. [1-11]
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Willems, M. (2016). Wave overtopping assessment in very shallow water conditions: the equivalent slope concept, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Applicationof Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science(Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016. pp. [1-7], meer
- Altomare, C.; Oshima, Y.; Chen, X.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Suzuki, T. (2015). Study of the overtopping flow impacts on multifunctional sea dikes in shallow foreshores with an hybrid numerical model, in: E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. pp. [1-11], meer
- Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2015). SPH modelling in coastal engineering, in: Mynett, A. (Ed.) 36th IAHR World Congress 2015: deltas of the future and what happens upstream. pp. 7445-7454
- Suzuki, T.; Oyaizu, H.; Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Dominguez, J.M. (2015). Applicability of dualsphysics model to derivation of drag coefficient in vegetation, in: E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. pp. 7466-7472, meer
Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Dominguez, J.M.L.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Caceres, I. (2014). A hybrid numerical model for coastal engineering problems, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34: pp. [1-15], meer
Altomare, C.; Verwaest, T.; Suzuki, T.; Trouw, K. (2014). Characterization of wave impacts on curve faced storm return walls within a stilling wave basin concept, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34: pp. [1-12], meer
- Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T. (2014). Overtopping reduction for harbor quays under very oblique waves attack, in: 3rd IAHR Europe Congress: book of proceedings, 2014, Porto - Portugal. pp. [1-11], meer
- Dominguez, J.M.L.; Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2014). Hybridisation of a wave propagation model (SWASH) and a meshfree particle method (SPH) for real applications, in: 3rd IAHR Europe Congress: book of proceedings, 2014, Porto - Portugal. pp. [1-10], meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Verwaest, T.; Trouw, K.; Zijlema, M. (2014). Two-dimensional wave overtopping calculation over a dike in shallow foreshore by swash, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34: pp. [1-12], meer
Vanneste, D.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Troch, P.; Verwaest, T. (2014). Comparison of numerical models for wave overtopping and impact on a sea wall, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34: pp. [1-14], meer
- Altomare, C.; Gironella, X.; Sospedra, J. (2013). Wave reflection: small and large scale experiments on wave absorbing quay walls, in: Coasts, marine structures and breakwaters 2013: From sea to shore - meeting the challenges, 18 - 20 september 2013 - Edinburgh, UK. pp. [1-9], meer
- Altomare, C.; Gironella, X.; Sanchez-Arcilla, A.; Sospedra, J. (2012). Wave reflection on dissipative quay walls: an experimental study, in: Troch, P. et al. (Ed.) Book of proceedings of the 4th international conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection - Coastlab12, Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. pp. [1-8], meer
- Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Rogers, B.D.; Dominguez, J.M.L.; Gironella, X. (2012). Numerical modeling of coastal defences using smoothed particle hydrodynamic method, in: Troch, P. et al. (Ed.) Book of proceedings of the 4th international conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection - Coastlab12, Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. pp. [1-10], meer
Abstracts (5) [show] |
Cappietti, L.; Esposito, A.; Simonetti, I.; Ferri, F.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Kisacik, D.; Taveira Pinto, F.; Rosa-Santos, P.; Calheiros Cabral, T.; Loukogeorgaki, E.; Mantadakis, N.; Gomez-Gesteira, M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Folley, M.; Stansby, P. (2020). The WECANet-RORO testing program, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 55-56
Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Crespo, A.J.C. (2014). Characterization of wave loading by numerical modeling: case study of the harbours of Zeebrugge and Blankenberge, in: NCK-Days 2014: Preparedness. pp. 12
Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T. (2014). Overtopping reduction for a sloping dyke at Blankenberge harbour, Belgium, in: NCK-Days 2014: Preparedness. pp. 27
Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Thoon, D.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Verwaest, T. (2014). Overtopping induced by oblique waves at Station quay – Oostende, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 30
Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Verwaest, T.; Zijlema, M. (2014). Directional spreading effect on wave transformation and wave overtopping in a shallow foreshore, in: NCK-Days 2014: Preparedness. pp. 65
Rapporten (20) [show] |
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2021). Following up DURCWAVE project: internal report. Version 1.0. FHR reports, 18_131_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. V, 6 pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Garcia-Feal, O.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2020). Characterization of overtopping flow on dike and inside building, using numerical models: SWASH and DualSPHysics simulation. Version 1.0. FHR reports, 17_089_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 24 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Vanneste, D.; Mostaert, F. (2019). Coupling between DualSPHysics and SWASH: relaxation zone and graphical user interface. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 15_009_3. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VI, 6 + 2 p. appendices pp., meer
- Verwaest, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Mostaert, F. (2019). CREST golftankproeven: factual data rapport. Versie 2.0. WL Rapporten, 17_039_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VIII, 22 + 96 p. bijl. pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; De Roo, S.; Vanneste, D.; Mostaert, F. (2018). Manning's roughness coefficient in SWASH: application to overtopping calculation. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 17_026_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 36 + 17 p. app. pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Willems, M.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Methodology for safety assessment 2015: background report on the assessment of wave overtopping at sea dikes. Version 7.0. FHR reports, 14_014_5. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 51 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Empirical overtopping law for very shallow foreshores: final report. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 13_116_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 42 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Gonzáles-Cao, J.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Vanneste, D.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Validation of SPH‐based model for sea walls with horizontal cantilever slab: final report. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 15_112_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 20 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Dan, S.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Raversijde‐Mariakerke‐Wellington west: wave overtopping and wave forces. Results from experimental campaigns. versie 5.0. FHR reports, 13_168_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 64 + 3 p. appendices pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Optimized hybrid model for coastal safety assessment: wave generation and absorption in DualSPHysics model, 1st‐year progress report. Version 5.0. FHR reports, 15_009_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. V, 6 + 9 p.appendices pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Dan, S.; Suzuki, T.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Force estimation on a new coastal structure in Blankenberge: SPH modelling. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 17_030_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VI, 11 pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Erosion caused by propeller jets in harbour basins: Summary of the final report, ref:BIA2012-38676-C03-01. Version 1.0. FHR reports, 14_031_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 3 pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; De Roo, S.; Kolokythas, G. K.; Vanneste, D.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Methodology for safety assessment 2015: background report on wave transformation and overtopping calculation by SWASH. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 14_014_6. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 60 + 2 p. app. pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; De Roo, S.; Altomare, C.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Methodology for safety assessment 2015: updated methodologies from the report v6.0 to v10.0. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 14_014_7. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VIII, 29 pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Optimized hybrid model for coastal safety assessment: source generation in DualSPHysics model, 2nd‐year progress report. Version 2.0. FHR reports, 15_009_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VI, 5 + 42 p. app. pp., meer
Vanneste, D.; Altomare, C.; De Roo, S.; Peeters, P.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Studie golfimpact kaai 101 haven Oostende: deelrapport 1. Numerieke studie opwaartse golfkracht. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 15_109_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 28 + 10 p. bijlagen pp., meer
- Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Spiesschaert, T.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2016). Oblique wave attack on storm walls: report 2. Force reduction. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 00_050_2. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 17 + 13 p. app. pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; De Roo, S.; Altomare, C.; Zhao, G.; Kolokythas, G. K.; Willems, M.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2016). Toetsing kustveiligheid 2015 - Methodologie: toetsingsmethodologie voor dijken en duinen. Versie 10.0. WL Rapporten, 14_014. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. IX, 52 + 25 p. bijl. pp., meer
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Schramkowski, G.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for wave forces: Wenduine case. Version 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_091. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. III, 29 pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2013). Estimation of storm wall height in Raversijde-Mariakerke-Wellington West: 1D SWASH calculation. Version 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_102. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. III, 31 pp., meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T. (2014). Overtopping reduction for a sloping dyke at Blankenberge harbour,Belgium [POSTER]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer
- Dan, S.; Altomare, C.; Thoon, D.; Suzuki, T.; Spiesschaert, T.; Verwaest, T. (2014). Overtopping induced by oblique waves at Station quay – Oostende [POSTER]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; De Roo, S.; Verwaest, T.; Trouw, K.; Zijlema, M. (2014). Directional spreading effect on wave transformation and wave overtopping in a shallow foreshore [POSTER]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., meer