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Ostend, from Queen of Seaside Resorts to Expulsion Gateway: Monitoring the entry, stay and expulsion of foreigners through Ostend (1840-1914) Feys, T. (2019). Ostend, from Queen of Seaside Resorts to Expulsion Gateway: Monitoring the entry, stay and expulsion of foreigners through Ostend (1840-1914), in: Limberger, M. et al. Book of abstracts: Social dynamics in Atlantic ports XIVth-XXst centuries - VIth international colloquium of the governance of the Atlantic ports XIVth - XXst centuries. pp. 15
In: Limberger, M.; Coussens, H. (Ed.) (2019). Book of abstracts: Social dynamics in Atlantic ports XIVth-XXst centuries - VIth international colloquium of the governance of the Atlantic ports XIVth - XXst centuries. Ghent University: Oostende. 44 pp.
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