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Applications of the new simplified approach to model obstacles: weirs, culverts and virtual ponds Smolders, S.; Bourban, S.E. (2024). Applications of the new simplified approach to model obstacles: weirs, culverts and virtual ponds, in: Proceedings of the XXXth TELEMAC Users Conference, 8-9 October 2024, Chambéry, France. pp. [1-10]
In: (2024). Proceedings of the XXXth TELEMAC Users Conference, 8-9 October 2024, Chambéry, France. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. , meer
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
Trefwoorden |
Hydraulic structures > Dikes, shores and other flood defenses > Erosion protection Hydraulic structures > Locks > Filling and emptying system Hydraulic structures > Pumps and turbines Hydraulic structures > Weirs > Hydraulic design Numerical modelling |
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Abstract |
The openTELEMAC system's often simple validation examples are an excellent starting point for end users to explore new code functionalities. This work explores, however, the possibilities of applying the new obstacle code to more complicated, real-life case studies. Weirs, culverts, and the use of virtual ponds are looked into. Weirs are connected to virtual ponds and their crest elevation is controlled by the upstream water level or by a user-given time series. For culverts, the existing TELEMAC-3D validation example “Bergenmeersen” is now also available in 2D. For both 2D and 3D, a version is made to work with the new obstacle code. The 2D version also works with the flood control area and overflow dike being replaced by a virtual pond and weir, respectively. |
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