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one publication added to basket [1201] |
Primer registro de isopodos bopyridos (Isopoda: Epicaridea) en el nape Notiax brachyophthalma (M. Edwards, 1870) y algunos aspectos de la relacion hospedador-parasito = First record of bopyrid isopods (Isopoda: Epicaridea) in the ghost-shrimp Notiax brachyophthalma (M. Edwards, 1870) and some aspects on the host-parasite relationship
Muñoz, G.I. (1997). Primer registro de isopodos bopyridos (Isopoda: Epicaridea) en el nape Notiax brachyophthalma (M. Edwards, 1870) y algunos aspectos de la relacion hospedador-parasito = First record of bopyrid isopods (Isopoda: Epicaridea) in the ghost-shrimp Notiax brachyophthalma (M. Edwards, 1870) and some aspects on the host-parasite relationship. Gayana Oceanol. 5(1): 33-39
In: Gayana Oceanológica. Universidad de Concepcion. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanograficas: Concepción. ISSN 0716-9655
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Abstract |
This study presents the first record and information about bopyrid isopods'parasitic prevalence in the ghost-shrimp Notiax brachyophthalma (M. Edwards,1970) and the effect on their hosts. Between July and September, 1995, 550specimens of ghost-shrimp were caught in Coliumo Bay, Dichato (36 degree 32'S;72 degree 56'W). From this sample, 538 belonged to Notiax brachyophthalmaand the remaining twelve belonged to Neotrypaea uncinata (M. Edwards, 1837).It was found that the N. brachyophthalma could be parasitized by two bopyridspecies, Pseudione brattstroemi Stuardo, 1986 and Ione ovata Shiino, 1964, theirprevalences in the ghost-shrimp were 10.8% and 2.2% respectively. There wasfound that there was a significant correlation between isopods length and theghost-shrimp size; involving a simultaneous growth between the parasites and thehosts it produced. Besides, the P. brattstroemi was specially found in small ghostshrimps unlike the I. ovata. On the other hand, 41% of the. uncinata species wasonly parasitized by the isopod Ionella agassizi Bonnier, 1900. The effect of theseparasites was studied in N. brachyophthalma where a considerably reduction ofthe gonads in the female hosts was found. This information is supported by thehistological analysis of ghost-shrimp's ovaries, where the mature ovocites aresmallest than in those non-parasitized ghost-shrimps. |
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