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2D hydrodynamic modelling of a tidal inlet using TELEMAC: case study of "de IJzermonding" Nolivos Alvarez, I.; Choudhury, A. (2004). 2D hydrodynamic modelling of a tidal inlet using TELEMAC: case study of "de IJzermonding". MSc Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)/Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. vii, 98 pp.
Thesis info:
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Documenttype: Doctoraat/Thesis/Eindwerk |
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Abstract |
A numerical two dimensional hydrodynamic model using TELEMAC-2D has been set up for the IJzer estuary including the tidal flats of the neighbouring nature reserve. The flow velocity is identified as the most important model output variable to investigate sedimentation and erosion processes at the mudflats as it provides good indication of the bottom shear stress. Current velocities are also needed for further modelling of sediment transport processes. At first, a number of theoretical cases with different canal geometry and idealised tidal signal imposed at the canal mouth have been experimented to become familiar with the software and to establish the feasible model parameters. The real domain with the observed water level imposed at the liquid boundary has been implemented at the final step for the IJzermonding hydrodynamic modelling. GIS techniques are widely used for the pre-processing of model inputs and conversion of model data. The spatial and temporal performance of the model velocity has been analysed and compared with the observed data of a field campaign in 2003. Matlab codes have been developed for this purpose to manage large amount of data efficiently. The comparisons of model and observed velocity in the estuary show that the model results fit well with the reality. Flooding and drying events in the mudflats are well represented and the magnitudes of model velocity and directions follow the natural pattern influenced by tides. Therefore, further research work in erosion and sedimentation processes can be performed based on the hydrodynamic numerical model developed in this thesis. |
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