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Analysis of ship-wave loading on alternative bank protection of a non-tidal waterway : first results
De Roo, S.; Troch, P. (2010). Analysis of ship-wave loading on alternative bank protection of a non-tidal waterway : first results, in: Proceedings of the 1st European IAHR Congress, Edinburgh 2010, 4th-6th May 2010. pp. 7 pp.
In: (2010). Proceedings of the 1st European IAHR Congress, Edinburgh 2010, 4th-6th May 2010. IAHR = AIRH: Edinburgh.
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 233403 [ download pdf ]
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage
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- De Roo, S., meer
- Troch, P.
Abstract |
Navigating ships generate a specific pattern of bank-directed surface waves, resulting in specific hydraulic loads acting on the revetment. Traditionally, river bank revetments are made of conventional, merely technology-based ‘hard’ protection materials like concrete, riprap, sheet piles etc. Nowadays, within the framework of an integrated water management approach, research is directed to more ecologically sound, ‘soft’ engineering bank protections too. In this way, attempts are made to reconcile both the technical and environmental requirements of the revetment.For the determination of the wave-induced forcing on the revetment, a monitoring system is designed and installed at the river Lys (Zulte, Belgium) on a prototype technical-biological method of bank protection, consisting of off-bank timber piling in combination with (reed)vegetation. An essential approach to assess the possibility of using alternative bank protection on restricted, non-tidal waterways subject to dense shipping traffic. The test site is instrumented to continuously record data of the ship wave characteristics and the impact of the ship wave climate on the bank protection. This paper describes the applied measurement technique for wave recording, and the methodology for data (pre)-processing and data analysis of the ship wave parameters. In addition, the first results of the measurement campaign are summarized. |
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