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Impact of consumers' health beliefs, health involvement and risk perception on fish consumption: a study in five European countries Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Scholderer, J.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2008). Impact of consumers' health beliefs, health involvement and risk perception on fish consumption: a study in five European countries. Br. Food J. 110(9): 898-915. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00070700810900602
In: British Food Journal. Emerald: Croydon. ISSN 0007-070X; e-ISSN 1758-4108
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Abstract |
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of consumers' health beliefs, health involvement, and risk perception on fish consumption behaviour in five European countries. Design/methodology/approach – Cross-sectional data were collected through a pan-European consumer survey ( Findings – Health involvement links up indirectly with subjective health and with total fish consumption, in both cases through increased interest in healthy eating. Interest in healthy eating positively and directly influences fish consumption. Increased risk perception from fish consumption negatively influences consumers' subjective health, as well as consumers' total fish consumption. Finally, subjective health positively relates to satisfaction with life. Research limitations/implications – This study focused on fish as a product category, and included only a limited number of attitudinal constructs. Originality/value – This paper provides a unique model relating health beliefs, health involvement and risk perception to fish consumption, which has been tested and validated using a large pan-European consumer sample. |
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