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Nautical science engagement projects at the Antwerp Maritime Academy
Vervoort, M. (2011). Nautical science engagement projects at the Antwerp Maritime Academy, in: Gómez Chova, L. et al. EDULEARN11 Proceedings. 3rd international conference on education and new learning technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 4th - 6th July, 2011. pp. 3377-3382
In: Gómez Chova, L. et al. (2011). EDULEARN11 Proceedings. 3rd international conference on education and new learning technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 4th - 6th July, 2011. IATED: [s.l.]. ISBN 978-84-615-0441-1.
Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
Engagement Integration Research; Education; (Nautical Sciences); Ph.D.program; technology; Research and Development and Innovation projects |
Abstract |
As an element of its fundamental mission, the Antwerp Maritime Academy (AMA) aids businesses, industries, and individuals in Belgium through the expertise of its faculty, staff, and students. The AMA offers programs in Nautical Sciences and Maritime Engineering. When possible, students are invited to assist with the individual projects. These projects also provide the participating academy members with tenure and promotion opportunities. The scope of the paper is the presentation of the Ph. D. program in Nautical Sciences. At the AMA the following Ph. D. research-projects are developed during the last few years: Research of the degradation of metallic surfaces due to atmospheric corrosion on board; Research of toxic vapours and concentrations on board of (chemical) vessels; Integrated container terminal optimisation; Criminalisation of seafarers; Impact of Piracy on the cost base of container shipping lines; The Economic and Financial Effects of Port Congestion and Port Delays; This paper briefly discusses four Ph. D. research projects performed by the academy members during recent academic years and how these projects fit into the mission of the Antwerp Maritime Academy and its education. |
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