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A dynamic testing platform for anti-fouling coatings
Meskens, R. (2018). A dynamic testing platform for anti-fouling coatings. Brilliant Marine Research Idea 2017 – Final Report. Hogere Zeevaartschool Antwerpen: Antwerpen. 10 pp.
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Abstract |
The ships’ hull seems to be an excellent transport vehicle for marine plants and animals from onelocation to another. This so-called “hull fouling” has important ecologic and economicconsequences on the environment. Firstly, when these non-indigenous species are able to settle in their new environment, they are able to disrupt the local marine ecosystem and even to destroy local species. Secondly, biofouling generates a substantially increased frictional resistance of the ship’s hull during sailing. An increased frictional resistance of hulls causes a rise in fuel consumption and a waste of time and money when ships have to be cleaned and/or recoated. Yet even a light slime layer has been shown to increase fuel consumption by 8% or more and a heavy slime formation can result in a fuel consumption. |
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