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one publication added to basket [404378] |
Experimental and numerical investigations of ship–ship interaction during overtaking for benchmarking
Yang, Y.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G.; El Moctar, O. (2025). Experimental and numerical investigations of ship–ship interaction during overtaking for benchmarking. Appl. Ocean Res. 154: 104325. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2024.104325
In: Applied Ocean Research. CML Publications/Elsevier: Southampton. ISSN 0141-1187; e-ISSN 1879-1549, meer
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Trefwoorden |
Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour > Ship-to-ship interaction Numerical calculations Physical modelling
Author keywords |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Yang, Y.
- Eloot, K., meer
- Delefortrie, G., meer
- El Moctar, O.
Abstract |
In this study, ship–ship interactions during overtaking maneuvers are investigated by performing experimental model tests and numerical simulations. Both model tests and numerical simulations were carried out with two Wigley hulls. Results show a good agreement between the model tests and numerical simulations during overtaking maneuvers. Furthermore, the influences of lateral distance, forward speed, and drift condition on ship–ship interactions are systematically assessed. The interaction forces and moments on the ship seem to increase non-linearly with decreasing lateral distance between the ships. We propose a correction factor based on the lateral distance to generalize the interaction forces and moments on the ship exerted by the other ship at different lateral distances. Additionally, the interaction forces and moments appear to be more than quadratically dependent on the forward speed. To normalize the interaction forces and moments on the ship at different forward speeds, we propose another correction factor based on the ship’s forward speed. Lastly, the results show that the interaction forces and moments on the ship are significantly affected by the ship’s drift conditions. With a comprehensive analysis of the experimental and numerical results, the understanding of ship–ship interactions during overtaking maneuvers is enhanced and a set of benchmark data is made available for validation of further numerical studies. |
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