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Integraal plan Boven-Zeeschelde: Subreport 1. SCALDIS: a 3D Hydrodynamic model for the Scheldt Estuary Smolders, S.; Maximova, T.; Vanlede, J.; Plancke, Y.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2016). Integraal plan Boven-Zeeschelde: Subreport 1. SCALDIS: a 3D Hydrodynamic model for the Scheldt Estuary. Version 5.0. WL Rapporten, 13_131. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. XXVIII, 246 + 228 p. bijl. pp.
Deel van: WL Rapporten. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. , meer
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Current velocities and patterns Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Passive tracers Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Tides Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Water levels Numerical modelling Numerical models ANE, Schelde-estuarium [Marine Regions] |
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Abstract |
Existing models lack a high resolution in the Upper Sea Scheldt, Durme, Rupel and Nete. For this reason, the SCALDIS model, a new unstructured high resolution model of the Scheldt Estuary is developed in TELEMAC 3D for the entire estuary, but with special attention to the upstream parts. The use of an unstructured grid allows to combine a large model extent with a high resolution upstream. The calibrated model will be used to analyse the effects of several scenarios (different morphology of the Scheldt with different ranges of boundary conditions). This report describes the model development, calibration and validation of the hydrodynamics. The model is calibrated for one spring-neap tidal cycle in 2013 against field data: water levels, velocities (in deep and shallow zones) and discharges. |
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